The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

When It's Over

How do you know when something is truly over?
What gives you the okay to say that you're done?
When is it okay to utter the words, "I'm free from that."
When can you truly give your all to someone new?
How do you know if it's the right time?
The truth is you never really know.
You find yourself experiencing so many new things and the old stuff has a way of trying to rise from the wreckage.
The deepest loss is the one that you can't touch or see.
Not being able to tell someone good-bye means that you just convince yourself that it's over and you are ready to move on.
Ending something with a live person isn't easy but it's sure, it is certain that once you walk away you know that it was time to walk away.
How about if that someone was taken from you?
How do you let go of a spirit?
How do you end a relationship that wasn't over until they were physcially taken from you?
How can you find closure with someone that can't answer back?
How can you tell them good-bye and feel that the chapter is closed?
That has truly been a battle that I face on a daily basis.
I know that it's over, I know that I'm moving on, but are they settled?
Has their spirit moved on to the hereafter?
Has their soul found piece?
To be taken so unexpectantly and painfully, does the spirit ever really find peace or closure.
I see that it's not easy but it's necessary.
Those questions can never be answered nor can there ever truly be closure until you close the door yourself.
Saying good-bye is only the beginning, but ending everything else is the ultimate test.
Happiness is waiting on the other side of this dark path, but you must be willing to do the work to get there.
Nothing is easy and life is difficult.
I've met the person that makes it all worth it and I know that it is time to move on with or without the closure I feel I need.

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