The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, November 9, 2012

You Are Worthy

Success is measured by the lives you touch and not the amount of money you make. When you are on the path destined and designed for you, the road ahead seems effortless but the journey isn’t going to be easy. When you think about it realistically, what is good for you is not easy, what is great for you is downright difficult, but not impossible.

Failure doesn’t attack, it’s called. Remember to only speak positivity into the universe in order for you to receive it back. If you had a “Big MaMa” like me then you should know this saying, “Claim it!” Don’t ask someone to tell you what you are worth, what you can do, is this right, is this going to work out, am I a fool to jump into this, etc.

If you want to have a smoother drive, then stop handing the wheel to others. Be the driver, the navigator, the mechanic, and the emissions checker. There are those that will come across your path and will be that extra lift to raise you higher. When you have those people in your presence, open the door and let them in. They will be valuable to not just your future but to their own.

That also falls in line with a relationship. The idea of being with one person for the rest of your life seems terrifying and often times stressful. If you stop looking at it as a life sentence and look at it as it truly is…a God’s gift, you will appreciate the opportunity you have been given and you will understand that God created this person to be in your life so that you never feel alone. There are times when they push your last nerve past the limit. There are moments when it seems like they don’t care about you at all. Those moments when you question why you are together come more often than you can imagine, but you then look at where you were before you met and where you are now…you start understanding that it isn’t negativity between you when things happen that test your relationship, it is life trying you to see if you are truly worthy to be chosen to have someone that is just for you.

Speaking from my own life and my personality, I can at times overlook what is right before me. I tend to expect something to be difficult when it is so simple. Growing up in the sort of life I had, you are prepared for the worst and when things work out without any issues you start to feel uncomfortable because you aren’t use to things just working out. I have been a giver all of my life and the idea of relying on someone else is terrifying to me. As the days, weeks, months, and years go on, I start to feel less and less concerned about controlling the outcome and more concerned with being in the moment.

I deserve love, I deserve gifts, attention, blessings, possibilities, opportunities, second, third, fourth, fifth chances to get it right. We all do. So when you start doubting you and things around you fall apart, remember not to blame others, just pick yourself up, check your image and get it back on track. We fall down and we get up, but it is those special people that have the balance to prevent falling and the heart to ensure those around them don’t fall as well.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Enough Is Enough

The problem with making promises is that eventually people will hold you to those promises. When you tell someone that you are going to make changes, do better, do more, be more present in the moment, and they come back to you and state that you aren’t doing it…anger at that person should be the last thing you feel. If someone has given you chance after chance to make right what has gone wrong and you don’t make a visible effort to fix it, then you shouldn’t be upset when your words hold no validity at all.

Don’t say that you are going to walk a different path from the one you’ve been walking. The problem you find is when you look down on this “new path” and you see footprints ahead of you…that means that you’re walking right back on the path you promised to detour from. The issue that surfaces with walking the same path is there won’t be anyone walking beside you.

No one should need to request or demand that you do better in a relationship you are a part of. No one should need to wait for you to get your act together when you have vowed to be in the relationship and you’ve accepted the relationship duties. Every day we see how the world changes and that a future isn’t a guarantee anymore, it’s a gift. Do you really want to waste time making empty promises that you are not keeping.

When someone loves you unconditionally, that doesn’t mean that you can give them your ass to kiss and expect them to still love you despite the lack of emotion, dedication, communication, affection, and trust. The person still holding on to the relationship isn’t a fool for holding on, they are just allowing their emotions and feelings to run their full course so that when they finally say that they are done, there won’t be anything left to bring them back.

Sometimes a breakup is more therapeutic than sitting in a room with a third-party trying to teach you how to communicate with the very person you claim to love so much and fear losing. Sometimes the answer is right in front of your face and yet you choose to keep doing what comes natural and easy for you but makes it irritating and horrible for the other person. In the end, it is just selfishness and lazyness.