The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mother's Love

Since January 17th I've been in the hospital watching my Mother struggle through lung cancer. My strength has always gathered through her. I've seen her go through so much in my life and I've always seen her as my ultimate hero.
To watch her fight the last fight of her life is a very powerful thing to experience. The funny thing about it all is that I've gotten so much stronger being there for her. I've taken myself for granted for a long time. I've never imagined myself dealing with shit of this magnitude but yet here I am being her rock and fighting just as hard for her as she has always fought for me.
I am truly blessed to have seen her through this ordeal that has yet to end. I see where I get my fight, my stubborn personality, etc. I am a true reflection of my Mother and I am very proud to admit that.
She refuses to loose her life in a hospital and now she's fought so hard that it seems that she will make home again. Life is so unsure and so mysterious but on top of everything else it can change right before your eyes!
If you have the blessing of having your mother in your life, please do not waist that time on nonsense and idiotic bull shit. When you see her embrace her and let her know how much she means to you. Being a gay man, I can say that she is the first woman that I've ever loved.
You may hold on to things that you feel are more important. You may have the man or woman of your dreams and you may think that it's enough, but trust me people there is nothing like a Mother's love!

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