The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Communication & Trust

Tell me something!
When does it get hard to talk to one another? Why is it that once we've reached that 2 to 3 year mark in our relationship that we forget how to talk to one another. You're feeling like what you say makes the other feel uncomfortable or defensive. Then the other is feeling like whatever I say just isn't being heard. Why do we allow the most important part of a relationship to go sour?
The things that we use to say that made someone smile and appreciate the fact that you could express yourself in that way are now too soft and weak. We want rough and tough men instead of men that can show emotion and a touch of sensitivity. Why do we want men that only want a** or d*** and not want me that can make love, not only to our bodies but to our hearts and our soul? Is this what the new generation has to look forward to? Will they never meet someone that would want to plant that life long connection into their lives?
Or maybe it still exsists but because we often get hurt and disappointed we turn away from any sign that someone is falling for us. I don't think we really turn away because we don't trust them, I think we turn away because we don't trust ourselves.
People remove the baggage from your hearts to make room for more heartache and disappointment. If you don't allow yourself to feel the pain then how will you know the joy?

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