The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, March 26, 2010

His Eyes Tell The Story

We sit and talk about emotions.
It's crazy moments like that which makes the decision to love him that more relavent.
He tells me his feelings and the entire time I'm looking into his eyes.
Since we've been together he has opened up more and more.
I sit back in total amazement at the progression of our relationship, yet it still feels like there is so much that hasn't been touched.
We are faced with so many different obstacles, yet we manage through by holding closer to each other and believeing in one another.
He wants his feelings to be understood so that there is no doubt in my mind that he is with me forever.
He will take me aside and just hold me without a word.
He will come and lay his head on my chest just to hear my heart beat.
He will take my hand in his and just admire the lines, the smallness of my fingers, and just admire the smoothness of the texture of my skin.
While I sleep I can feel his warmth covering me like the sun on a beautiful spring day.
Before he leaves for the work day he embraces me and kisses me firmly on the lips uttering the words, "I love you"
Once he is gone I am surprised with another note stating his feelings and his wish for me to enjoy my day.
During the day he keeps in contact with me, making sure that I'm all right, making sure that I am eating, making sure that I am relaxing, and most of all making sure that I know he misses me and loves me.
In doing all of this it makes my day, it makes me feel like life could never be better.
He does all of these things because it is who he is. It's not an act, it's not gestures to win me over.
He does all of these things and yet I never have the heart to tell him that his eyes tell the story and words aren't needed, but I am so glad that he chooses to express them to me.

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Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Sunday, March 7, 2010

While He Sleeps

I wonder if he realizes how much I love him
I wonder if he could contemplate the debts of devotion I have for him
As I look at him I see my future
As I hold him I feel such security
As I place a soft but firm kiss upon his lips I share my life force with him
I place my fingers within his and the strength that generates from his makes me feel such comfort
I place my hand over his chest to feel his heart beat
The rhythm and the sound of it calms me
Even his snores create such a sound that it seems like music created just for me
Rubbing my fingers through his hair makes me feel like I can control his thoughts with each stroke
The warmth of his legs on mine blocks of the stubborn cold seeping through the windows
His strong back supports me as I lay across it, the rise and lowering of it makes my eyes fall heavy as if he is hypnotizing me with a dance
There is such peace surrounding him
There is such calm in his movement
There is such wonder as to what is going through his mind
Every once and awhile there is a smile on his face that makes me secretly giggle to myself
It amazes me that there is such a journey into imagination
I feel like I am experiencing so many new things
Just watching him, listening to him, touching him, and loving him while he sleeps