The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Safety First

In the beginning of any relationship you want to take precautions in your approach, you want to make sure that you discuss everything necessary to ensure that you are compatible
Even though you may take a commendable effort to do these things there is typically a lot that we over look because we are so caught up in looking at the things that happened to us in our previous relationships, so the things that are really important in dealing with our personality in the present get overlooked
Approach that person with an open mind and an open heart, clear your vision when the conversation starts and try not to look at them with visions from the past, you tend to give that person that is your experience (Ex lover) more power over your future
People only get away with what we allow them to get away with, once someone has taken advantage of us we build up a wall that is unnecessary in our future relationship because we are suppose to start from scratch
It’s not to say that our past isn’t a great guideline to revisit every now and again to take self inventory on where we are now and if we have truly learned from that past
When the new person is in your life then you are telling that person you are ready to love again, that you are over your pains, sorrows, and mistakes
To come into the relationship ready to fight and in a constant defense mode makes it very difficult for that new person to see you as a person of love, so those people tend to treat you like a project of rehabilitation and not love
When you turn your potential lover into your “Mr. or Mrs. Fix Me Up” you tend to lose their respect eventually, it can be that they are tired of hearing your sob story, it could be that they get tired of waiting to seeing a change in you, it could be that they feel they are being used, or it could be that they no longer want to try to love the unlovable
You yourself are responsible for getting your act together before joining a life with a new person, so before saying yes or pursuing a would be lover, stop for a moment and make sure that you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that you are ready to love and ready to be loved

Thursday, March 17, 2011

May 30 Weekly Quote

Wishing harm to others can have the opposite effect on you
Just because you know someone that may seem horrible and unworthy of the blessings that they have doesn’t make it all right for you to wish them negativity
Most people ask that question, “Why are they getting everything and they don’t deserve it and I’m working so hard and doing my best to be a better person and I still can’t get the things I’m striving for!”
The first mistake is to compare your life to theirs
The second mistake is to assume that just because these people appear to be blessed means they are happy
Those of us that take what comes but believe that eventually it will get better are the people that appreciate life so much more
Those of us that get things without working for them never understand the value in the struggle
In the end you are the victor in your own life and your life should be the only one that matters

May 23 Weekly Quote

Having an endless appetite for knowledge can be a bad thing
It’s never a good thing to be known as someone that knows so much but does so little and lacks common sense
You may have heard the statement, “I’d rather be street smart than book smart”
In some aspects of life that is a good way to view the world
Not everything that can help you through life will be found in a book
At the same time the things you need to know about the changing of the world isn’t always with the knowledge you find with your interactions with the streets
Learn how to balance both sources of knowledge
That will make you a more formidable force in your everyday life

May 16 Weekly Quote

Sometimes saying what we feel can destroy the mindset of those we share our feelings with
The magnificence of life is the fact that we are all cut from different patterns of the universe
What you say to one person and it hurts them may not affect the next person
So when sharing your feelings, take the time to know who you are sharing those feelings with
It’s always a good thing to be known as someone that speaks their mind
But it’s not so good to be known as someone that is so heartless and blind that you speak without thinking

May 09 Weekly Quote

Life changes daily
At times we feel like nothing around us is moving and we are not getting enough out of the life we are living
At those moments of thought we need to evaluate what we are in fact doing to make necessary changes
There are those that step out on faith and wish for the best
Then there are others that are more cautious and aware that any slight mistake would cause their life to crumble at their feet
It’s never a right answer or option because life changes in so many ways
The only way we know what’s best for us is when we take a chance to find out

May 02 Weekly Quote

Is it possible to look past the dislikes of others and still maintain a mature outlook on the person?
That is a very thought provoking question
At times our dislikes are only fed by the people around us that dislike others
To keep from standing out we choose to go with the flow
Being original and looking deeper into what a person shows makes you better than those that go along for the ride
You never know who you may pass up by not giving them a chance to show you their true colors
So in the end, if that person in fact is as bad as others have said you can at least say you gave them an honest shot

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 21 Weekly Quote

Sitting at your desk constantly complaining about how much you hate your job while still coming to work late on a regular basis, taking longer and longer extended lunch breaks, not always finishing your assignments and when you do they are never right, think about the person you work for that constantly has to redirect you, write you up, push you to do what you are actually getting paid to do, and are left to constantly explain why they still allow you to keep your job and rethink where you direct your anger
Shouldn’t it be the manager that constantly complains having to work for you when you are employed to work for them?
Think about it….

March 28 Weekly Quote

This morning your alarm clock didn’t go off, you get in your car and it didn’t start, you get to work and you have more work than usual to do, you go to lunch and realize that you are negative in your bank account, when you get home you realize that your cat ran away, you sit on the edge of your bed with tears in your eyes screaming to GOD, “Why me lord!!!
Now switch the scene, you wake up to an oxygen tank, you can’t move on your own, your nurse has to feed you, clean you, you sit in chemotherapy for hours and feel your body slowly draining away, when your day is done you look out your window and cry to GOD, “I would give anything to have a crazy day just as long as I can be healthy and have things that I can control to complain about!”

March 14 Weekly Quote

If you aren’t in a relationship right now and feel like you are missing out on something huge look at what you have in your life currently and then think about what you would give up if in fact you did meet someone
When you do that think about what in your life you would be willing to give up and if the list is shorter on the side of what you wouldn’t give up compared to what you would then that answers your question as to why you are still single
You just aren’t ready yet so stop rushing the process

March 07 Weekly Quote

Letting people make you second-guess yourself is like handing someone your soul and letting them live your life for you
If these people that are in constant demand in telling you how to live, take a moment and look at how they live
If their names are nowhere in the bible then chances are you shouldn’t take their every word as the gospel
These people are also subject to question and so that means they are just merely human just like you and should take heed to their own advice and concern

February 24 Weekly Quote

At what point is it ever all right to down yourself?
The point of life is to learn, grow, live, and teach
If you are constantly in the level of learning and not applying then maybe you need to re-evaluate your purpose, your life, and your learning skills
We are all capable of shining brighter; it’s just a matter of how highly you view your presence

February 28 Weekly Quote

Looking at what other people are doing in their lives and judging them while you are still not moving further in your own is just a waste of time
Start focusing more on achieving your own goals and then you will realize how much more time you have on your hands when you start checking your own backyard and less on other’s

April 18 Weekly Quote

Living in the shadows of life may feel cool at times
But think about what happens to you when you neglect the need to shine
Staying in the cold creates a false sense of security until that day when you stumble out of the shadows with no concept on how to be someone that has something to offer the world
Being afraid is the worse feeling to live with
Take chances in your life to open doors to new possibilities
You can never say what won’t work if you are too afraid to find out

April 25 Weekly Quote

“I don’t like this!”
“I won’t go here!”
“I can’t stand it when…”
“I hate people that…”
Have you ever taken noticed to the list of don’ts and compared them to the lists of do’s
If your list of don’ts is longer than your list of dos then maybe, just maybe somewhere in your life there is room for change
Change is always a good thing because if you are the same as you were when you were a child, then maybe you aren’t adult enough to understand this question

April 04 Weekly Quote

Honesty can sometimes feel like a very sharp blade to the heart
I wonder why that is when knowing the truth feels better than living a lie
I would rather feel the pain of the truth then live the pain of being oblivious to what is actually going on in my life

April 11 Weekly Quote

They say to envy someone is a sin
To want to be someone else is something that you shouldn’t strive for
Yet all around us they are creating things to make our youth want the lives that aren’t real
They make our young ladies feel like being thin and drop dead gorgeous is the only way to be happy
They make our young gentlemen feel like being a thug with no compassion is the only way to survive in the world
To create such deception for our youth is one thing, but because we aren’t similar to what they see on television what are they trying to say about the parents…

Friday, March 4, 2011

Unwanted Anniversary

Dear Brother, oh how the years seem to drag on for a life time
Every year I relive the moment you were taken away from me and how my life has been since you’ve been gone
I remember all of our special times together, all of the many jokes that we shared, the history we created together, the looks that we gave each other and understanding what each glare meant without uttering a word
Since you’ve been gone life has not been the same. Family connections aren’t what I expected; days linger with thoughts of where I would be if you were here
I no longer have that someone that knew me more than I knew myself, I no longer have that person that always pushed me to work as hard as I could but made the fall painless
Keep in mind that I am referencing family not my love and my friends
Since you’ve been gone I have met someone named Christopher Michael Watkins Sr. and he is the world to me, the crazy thing is that he reminds me so much of you in many ways, how he caters to me, how he worries about me, how he loves me endlessly, and how compulsive he is when it comes to cooking and cleaning! LOL!
My friends OJ and Clarence are still supporting me and they have my back so I’m not totally alone, they keep me smiling, they keep me focused, they keep me feeling as though I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, but honestly no one or nothing can fill the space that was left when you passed on
I see how true it is when they say you learn to live without that special someone but you never forget nor do you actually ever stop grieving
There are moments when it hits me hard and I can’t do anything but stop in my tracks and allow the pain to do what it does best and that’s to run its course and exit my soul
I learned that from you, to let the emotions exist and not try to fight them or run from them
Every year now on the month of March this dark cloud looms over my life and I know why it’s there and I know what it expects of me, but because of the wisdom, love, strength, support, dedication, loyalty, and unwavering trust that I received from you that cloud no longer bothers or scares me
Though there are many reasons to celebrate your life because of who you were and what you made me, this is always an unwanted anniversary because you aren’t here for a celebration
I know you are watching over me where ever you are right now and I feel your love and your presence
-Love you eternally Anthony Milton Upson,
from your brother

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Door Number 3

We take our time in progression when we fear the ending result
At times those feelings are there because once you reach your highest level there is that fear that you will fall that much harder
So most of us decide to only do enough and never reached past our abilities
In life there are options and sometimes they are not that easy to see
Most people require a map to assist in their journey
Most people insist on someone to push and constantly motivate them to reach a goal
The issue with taking on the approach of relying on others to get us through is that when you get there and you haven’t learned anything because other people have constantly helped out leaves you back at the starting point
It’s not a bad idea to ask for help, however, it is a bad idea when you start getting the help you totally lose track of what you need to do for yourself
The bottom line is that most people can help but no one really knows you like you
You can show people what you want them to see and in very rare circumstances someone can see right through you and can tell you what it is you are hiding from
Test your patience at times
Test your knowledge whenever possible
Test your limitations to see if you can surpass them
But by all means, after each door is open and conquered, try the next door, and the next, and the next until when you look back you have too far to go back so you will only push yourself to keep going
A true sign of growth is when you barely recognize that person through the past doors
That’s when you know that you could never go back there if you can’t drop your level of knowledge low enough to get an understanding of what you were thinking then

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So Much Love

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