The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's Official

Well it's matter the age, weight, color, background...negros can be so full of shit!!!!
I met this dude that said he was really feeling me and from what I knew of him he seemed to be the answer to what I needed to get through the transition of single to potential relationship.
We started out really strong with text messages, emails and phone calls. When it came to us meeting there was always something on his end that prevented that from happening. He told me he was 6"2" and 365lbs. That didn't bother me any because I look at the inside of people and not the outside which is why I like to talk to people first before I meet them face to face. That way you build a connection that isn't soley based on any physcial attributes.
After our beginning communication things started to slack off on his part. He would say he was going to call but wouldn't and when he got in contact there was always this excuse. The first time he stated that he left his phone in his coat pocket. The second time there wasn't an explanation, the third time he claimed he was in a car accident and his phone was damaged. He said that the face of the phone was cracked and he couldn't see the calls so he couldn't pull my number to call me.
He left me a message online and I called him. We spoke and he explained things so I gave him the benefit of the doubt though I still felt that he was fudging the truth. That Friday we were to get together. He wasn't working that day but he needed to wait for his cousin to come home so he could borrow the car. Not to mention that he had tickets to a play and he was paundering if he should take me or keep his promise to his cousin to take him even though his cousin didn't like musicals or plays.
We had the longest talk that Friday than we had since we connected. It seemed that things were getting back on track and we were rebuilding where we left off. I told him I had plans to hang with my 2 bestfriends that Friday night because the holidays were coming up and we wouldn't see each other during that time. He said that he would hook up with me right after I hung out with them. Being impressed that he suggested that I excitedly said sure.
I called him after I established what I planned on doing with my friends. He told me that he would call me once he got in the car with his cousin. Hours passed and no call. While hanging out with my best friends I got a text message from him saying he was sorry that he didn't call me!
Immediately I was pissed off! If you're phone's face was cracked and you can't make calls because you can't see who you are are you able to send text messages?" I didn't jump on it because I wanted to see if he had an excuse for that. No excuse!
After leaving my best friends I called and left a message and I left a text message. For the rest of the night I received no reply. The next morning I called and left another text reply. So I decided to end things by sending a text stating that I couldn't deal with the inconsistency in our communication...mainly on his part.So it would be best for me to step away from this before I got too involved.
About 2 hours later I received a text stating the he left his phone at home when he went to get his hair cut and he was going to take me to the play. Mind you, he didn't explain not responding to me last night or this morning.
It just amazes me that these sorry ass negros play mind games and tell you what they think you want to hear. He knows about the loss of my lover and he claimed that he loss his lover to violence. He said that his lover was a cop and he was shot in the line of duty.
Seeing how much of a liar he is I don't believe that there ever was a lover.
I don't ask for much...Hell! I don't even give requests! All I want is realism and practicality but I keep getting buckets of bullshit from people that don't even understand the meaning of being actual decent people.
I tend to go back and forth on the dating front, but I know that I won't allow myself to break because I keep meeting a bunch of sour apples. Dating isn't hard it's just you meet people who lack intelligence or common sense.
In his ending message he wished me luck and you know something...I'll take that because what he did was tell me that he wasn't worth my time. I'm just glad that I didn't push anyone aside to be with him.

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