The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Say A Prayer!

I'm pretty sure that everyone has heard about the tragedy surrounding our new angel Jennifer Hudson. I would like everyone to take the time out of your recreational or business time to say a prayer for her and her remaining family.
I'm not sure of the details surrounding this incident but what I have heard is that the sister's ex-boyfriend had something to do with it. If this is true then on this I will speak.
If life deals you nothing but bad hands and it seems like everyone else around you keeps winning the pot, say a prayer.
If you want so badly to be in love and you keep finding people that break your heart, say a prayer.
If you've given your heart to someone and they tell you that it's not working out and that you have to part ways, say a prayer.
How can love turn into such hate and lead to murder? How can you allow your pain to transform you into a murderer.
Hate me, curse me, damage my property, talk bad about me...but don't harm me and my family. Now Jennifer and her family's lives are forever changed and not in a positive way.
People please listen...if you don't listen to anything else I say please I pray to GOD that you listen to this.
Love is the connection to other people. Love doesn't make you crazy, love doesn't make you stress, love doesn't turn you into a murdering ass hole! Love is something beautiful and what happens is that those that abuse it make it seem like it's a poison. The truth is that the hate these type of people show is hate that was already there, it's just a shame that good people can't see the darkness and we end up falling in love with them then realizing that it's there but by then it's too late!
Those of you that have relationships that consist of violence in any form...walk away and make sure you are protected. Those of you that feel anger and violence towards the one you say you them a favor and either get help or leave them alone. You don't realize that you loose in the end as well!
Violence is never the answer nor is it the solution to a broken heart. Love is only dangerous in the wrong hands so handle with care or leave it be because you just may not be ready for it.
"Lord please watch and hold Jennifer and her family on this very painful day. May some light shine upon her heart to give her that inner strength to keep on and to keep blessing the world with her powerful talents. The world needs her in a major way but Lord she needs you in a major way. Peace be still to her soul and may justice prevail."

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