The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, November 6, 2014


I thank you for making me better
I thank you for making me stronger
Since we’ve parted and live separate lives
I dislike you no longer
In fact I never hated you
It was actually the opposite
I had deep profound love for you
Even through all of your shit
Now the tides have turned
We’re better off because of what we’ve learned
Doors are opening for you as they are for me
Now we can live our single lives unbroken and free
I hold a place in my heart for you and that will never go
You may not feel like that for me but I thought that you should know
I hope the best for you
I pray that everything you touch will blossom and grow fruit
Through your hard life you were a solider and deserve a salute
I found my happiness again and I must admit it was because I met you
So from my heart to yours, Good-bye, and good luck with all that you do

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Taking The Chance

Fingers interlocked
We face eye to eye
He leans forward I fall back
He’s a take charge kind of guy
Our rhythm in sync, he speaks what I think
He’s my bestie, my partner, my lover, my rock
There’s a longing for his energy that grows and I pray it never stops
We know where we are, where we’ve been, and where we want to be
In my future there’s a path and with him it’s clearer to see
I know not to take for granted the difficult road in love
I expect there to be trials and tribulations, issues we know and others we may not think of
Putting it all on the line without needing a moment to think it through
At times can be a mistake but it doesn’t feel like that with you
I’m ready to dance through the years ahead
He satisfies me standing upright and as we dance in our bed

It's Time

He told me finally that he loved me
He grinned, turned away, looked to the sky, and sighed
I’d waited so long to hear those words
At the moment he said it I could see the weight lifting from his eyes
He’d carried the fear of hurt for so long
Having his heart broken before made him shun away from the idea of loving again
Now that the walls are crumbling I begin to have fears of my own
Can I give him what he needs?
Will I be the partner that he deserves?
Will I let him down?
It’s funny how we fight so hard to have someone love us but then we fear the love
I guess I’m not as ready as I thought I was
Though this moment has been long overdue
In that moment I shook my own fears and doubts
I gathered my past pains and threw them all out
I grinned, turned away, looked to the sky, and sighed
I told him that I loved him, and then I cried

Muddy Tracks

You’ve lied on people
You’ve lied on yourself
You think of only your needs
You care of nothing else
You’ve betrayed family and friends
You’ve brought such shame
To the people around it’s hurt but to you it’s a game
You smile while wearing a face of deceit
When it comes to making up a good excuse you don’t miss a beat
Now you say you’ve changed and want a new life
You didn’t do the work, you didn’t take advice
You’ve just changed because that’s what you’ve chosen to do
After all the lies and games I’m to just believe you
You stand before and I laugh, honestly facts are facts
You haven’t changed at all, oh yeah, and I can still see your muddy tracks

Monday, November 3, 2014

Just Be...

A fear of heart break
A fear of pain
A fear of being blinded by sunshine, yet relishing in the pouring rain
A fear to never be loved
A fear of never being able to love
A fear of breaking someone’s heart
A fear of tearing a life apart
The more you hold on to your fears you’ll never know how it feels to just be…
Be free to fall in love and it may not work out
Be free to face everything and take in every emotion
Be free to run through the sunshine
Be free to let someone love you
Be free to let yourself love
Be free to try and make the right decisions for someone else
It’s what you deserve, try to spoil yourself
Be free to live, learn, and understand
Stop holding your life in your hands while blocking access to your heart
How can you fail at love when you never start?

Broken Love

Even the broken deserve to be repaired
The crushed deserve to be put back together
The lost deserve to be shown the way
The bitter deserve to taste the sweetness of happiness
Just because you love someone that falls under one of these doesn’t mean that they deserve to stay there
If in your heart you can love, then love them
If you contain the patience, then work with them
It doesn’t mean that you forget your own happiness
It just means that you may need to sacrifice a piece of your heart to give them what they truly need
Not every mate comes to you ready to completely be for you
Broken love can be God’s way of seeing if you are really ready to have a love that will last forever


If for one moment in your life you want to smile, then smile
If for one moment in your life you want to laugh, then laugh
If for one moment in your life you want to dance, then dance
If for one moment in your life you want to cry, then cry
If for one moment in your life you want to die, then smile, laugh, dance or cry

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just Me...Simply

I am not perfect
I do not have all the answers
I cannot predict the future
I don’t know the best way to fix every situation
I don’t always have the best advice
I can’t explain why you are feeling the way you are feeling because I am not you
I can’t repair your life because it’s yours and not mine
I cannot fix your relationship because it’s yours and not mine
I can listen to your problems but I may not know what to say after you’re done
It feels so good to be able to admit these things and not feel like I’ve failed in some way
Trying to be everything for everyone else is a job that no one should take on
Just being who you are, flaws and all, is the best feeling in the world
I am moody
I am sarcastic
I am lazy
I get bored easily
I do have amazing qualities but to know me means to know that there are other parts of me
To love me is to accept those qualities
Be you…the real you, and those that stay around are the ones that truly love you

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I stood over the ocean and saw my reflection
It felt like a stranger looking back at me
I gestured to see if the reflection would mimic me
Yet it didn’t move
Then my heart started to pound
I was instantly terrified at this image I couldn’t stop staring at
It had its own personality
It moved when it decided to
It showed so much emotion
It didn’t hold back anything
Just then I realized that it was me, just the me I used to be
The me that stood out because of my mind
The me that did what I wanted to do
The me that had total control over my emotions
The me that had total control on my decisions
The me that gave all I had without the fear of giving too much
This was before the world attacked me
This was before I had to say good-bye to loved ones
Grief is a powerful adversary if you aren’t prepared to face it
At the same time it can be the fuel for strength you never knew you had

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Look At You First

Closed mind…missed opportunities
Overly confident…missed interpreted as conceded
Very attracted…seen as thirsty or desperate
Frustrated with lonely…seen as difficult to be with
How often do we judge people for what we believe to be their issue?
How often do we actually take the time to figure out what’s really going on with a person?
Sometimes we can be so caught up in thinking we know so much that we don’t even realize how wrong we are about ourselves
We can sometimes project our internal flaws to people around us
We sit in judgment of others when in fact we are judging ourselves
Self-reflection is something that we must be very conscience of
Knowing ourselves more is the key to being able to truly read others
Let’s not throw stones out rented windows
Get your own house in order before offering your opinion on someone else’s

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's Yours...

When you can do nothing else…just stand
If it’s at all worth it… and it is, you will find that happiness again
It’s truly normal to have your up and down moments
The key to those moments is to trust and believe that they are just moments
Your happiness is the goal in life and should always be what you strive for
If you love yourself enough, you’ll know when someone loves you back
Even when they make mistakes, it doesn’t erase what they are or who they are to you
Giving up isn’t an option for life or relationship
Just about anything thrown your way can be faced and conquered
Believe in you and he will believe in you
Stand up and walk tall, he will support your balance
Speak truth from your lips and he will give you power to walk the walk
You are only as great as your next victory
So be victorious, strong, proud, and genuine
When they strip everything else away, they cannot take away who you are
Your story is your story, so you tell it and not everyone else
Your love is your love, so you fight to keep it
Who we are is what we do, not who they say we are

Decision Time

I’m split in two and I’m not sure of what to do
Should I stay? Should I go? The answer is, at this point, hard to know
In one future I see greatness for us both
A life of love and strength and spiritual growth
In the other future I see such misery and pain
Us not connecting and our flaws breaking us down and driving one another insane
There is so much love there, this I know for sure
From the beginning we thrived on each other leaving me wanting more
There have been obstacles but that was necessary
We both had to shed off our past to have less in our future arms to carry
Yet here we are at a crossroads and the decision isn’t easy or clear
Making the wrong one could be great or destroy us and that’s my biggest fear
Love isn’t enough and this I now understand
It takes communication, patience, loyalty, and trust but on the other hand
We are amazing people individually
If we could just get our shit together think of the power behind our unity

Monday, October 20, 2014


Standing in the mirror eyeing myself from head to toe
Not being conceded, just noticing my scars
Some visible and some inside
A trail of life in a reflection of glass
How do you tell someone’s present from their past?
When you can’t merely ask them their story
Though they lived it, there are always holes in the timeline
I stand looking at myself and in wonder I tilt my head
There is a scar over my heart
How long has that been there?
I wonder if it will ever heal
For each scar I see, I can understand how each of them make me feel
I have the choice to wear them or live them
I have the choice to own them or give them the power
When others see me, can they see my scars?
Do they notice their own?
Are our scars the attraction we feel when we meet someone and the vibe is real?
Are we lying to one another when we smile?
Is it just living past the scars or living in total denial?
No matter the case, scars have a place
Acknowledge them or don’t
Become a victim of them I won’t
Though I will give them their moment in the light
After their 5 minutes of fame I bid them good night


It was deep, it was dark, it placed a hole in my heart
Yet my heart still beats strongly
I was mad, I was sad, you told the truth and I was glad
But nevertheless it still hurts me
I see you there, sometimes I hate you then I care
Such a crazy thing these feelings
You want it to work, yet your actions made you a jerk
So I quietly sit and observe your actions
It’s still new, it’s still you, you’re sorry and it’s true
So forgiveness is on the rise
One day I will forgive, in peace we will live
But know this won’t happen again
If it does you know the deal, not joking I’m for real
I’ll walk away for our sake, but please make no mistake
Karma is truth and acts on swing wings
If you hurt someone it comes back to you and it stings

Thursday, October 16, 2014

One Day

I see you and it gives me a sense of purpose
I hear you and things seem to fall into place
Distractions are all around me yet you keep me centered and focused
I think it, you say it
I believe it because you prayed it
Unusual for me to feel completely taken in by the presence of another
You are becoming a part of me, almost as close as my sister or brother
A bond with time creates something so heavenly and devine
I don’t claim to own you nor do you utter the words, “You are mine”
From the moment I accepted you in
I have yet to regret that decision
You always know when to step in to resolve a situation
You say the correct words to calm my frustration
I desire nothing because with you I have it all
Through your support I stand for everything and refuse to fall
Yet I’ve fallen for you…how strange it is indeed
I crave you for your love as you crave the highness from weed
I am the wind to your breeze
As you are the leaves to my tree
I get caught up in words and you show me how you feel
I never question your intentions because you are obviously real
A force to recognize and a personality to respect
All these things I want to say…I just haven’t met you yet

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I’m Dancing Again

There once was a tune that played in my ear
It would make my body sway
It would bring a jovial sensation to my ears
Life around me was like a song
The hard times would only make the tune beat stronger
The happy times would smooth out the melody and I would rock to the rhythm
Then one day the music stopped
The instruments that made my melody so beautiful started to disappear
The saxophone I called “Dad” was no longer blaring his tune
The violin I called “Tony” suddenly loss his soothing flow
The piano I called “Mom” no longer could effortlessly play her song
Lastly the horn I called “Edward” loss his sound
I stood in the middle of the dance floor
I looked around for a sign that the music could once again play
I tried to put other instruments in their place
Nothing I did made the music come back
One day as I looked to the heavens for help
I could hear humming coming from a group of flutes I call “Family”
I began to whistle along with the tune they were creating
I then realized that the music never left me
I just stopped listening
Now I walk with a stride that is only measured by the beautiful sounds of happiness
Never stop dancing to your own music and remember that though dark times are ahead, there is always a reason to sway

My Love & War

Somebody said every day, was gonna be sunny skies. Only Marvin Gaye and lingerie, I guess somebody lied:

In relationships it’s not always happiness and laughter. There are times when you are frustrated with things that may be going on. There may be things happening that are out of your control. You can see the one you love hurting and there’s nothing you can do but be there. At times that’s enough, but when things get heavier you feel helpless to find a solution.

We started discussing it to fighting, then “Don’t touch me please.” Then it’s “Let’s stop the madness, just come lay with me.” Truth be told, I’m waving my flag before it turns bad:

When you reach a point where the emotions are so high anything could happen, you take a breather. Step away from the situation and remember why you’re in the relationship. We are allowed to become upset, frustrated, and even angry, but don’t walk off the path of the partnership. Finding a way to be angry, disagreeing, and upset while still working together is key. Always remember that the person standing in front of you is the person you love and the relationship is still in good standing even after this storm is over.

Cause we made it this far for better or worse. I want to feel it even if it hurts. If I have to cry to get to the other side, let’s go because we’re gonna survive.

Never forget the road you traveled both separate and together. Hand in hand is how you face things. You shouldn’t only band together in good times, because it’s in those darkest times you see the true strength of your bond. Let walking away from the relationship be the very last solution to hard times. Work together to strengthen your love and you’ll see the rewards of your partnership shower you in time. Remember that this is real life and in real life there are no shortcuts or easy ways around.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

His Advice

In the world we live
At this very moment
The Father looks down in shame
People posting pictures of their temples
People becoming accustomed to derogatory names
We look at clips of violence and cheer it on like a celebration
We aren’t dying slowly as a race
We’re dying slowly as a nation
To strive to be better shouldn’t be something we fear
The fact that you are trying should be the encouragement you hear
Stand up for something more than just to support what others view as fun
Place the image of God all around you and remember that he’s the one
Such a sacrifice for so many over his own existence
Though we refuse to look out for one another
Won’t even go the distance
Shock the world by being more than what’s expected
Walk the path of positivity even though it may be rejected
When it’s all over and you stand before him to answer for your life
Make him smile by showing that you at least attempted to follow his advice

Monday, October 13, 2014

Word to the wise...

Don’t brag to be “All that” when you don’t know the value in “Humility” and “Humbleness.”

When you need to constantly announce to the world that you got it going on, chances are you don’t really believe it. People love to put themselves out there to get that attention, to get that compliment, and in the end it’s only a temporary fix. The real issue is inside of you. Until you deal with your inner demons, you really need to stop using social media as a way of feeding your addiction.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What I love about a man...

What I love about a man…
I love his confidence, the way he can walk with his head high and be unmoved by what people may or may not say about him
I love his determination, the way he never gives up even though the obstacles are plentiful
I love his smile, how it calms my heart and makes me forget my troubles
I love his scent, so natural, so him…a fragrance that turns me on instantly
I love his laugh, the way he can find what’s funny and how contagious it becomes, so much that I cannot help but laugh right along with him
I love his touch; it makes me feel as though my body is under his control
I love his manhood, the shape, the length, the throb, and how it slides ever so gently inside
I love his moan, the passion, the ecstasy, the intensity; it moistens and weakens my walls
I love his thrust, how controlled he is, how he’s concerned with my comfort, how he ensures that I am pleased completely
I love his kiss, with every stroke his beautiful and soft lips reach mine, how it increases the sensation
I love his climax, how his body tenses up, the tighter he grips me with his strong hands
I love his arms, as he holds me, kisses me, and cuddles with me after we’ve reached our happy ending
That and so much more I love…

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happiness Is Right Beside You

It has been a transition from experience to experience. At times there was a doubt that any of this made sense. When you are surrounded with negativity and constant drama you start believing that you have no other perspective but the negative. You start believing that your life will always be clouded with darkness and despair, of which you are helpless to avoid or prevent. So you live like that and find solace in the uncertain, the unhappiness, the constant struggle, and the constant fear of failure.

Then someone comes along and starts to give you a different outlook. They see the silver lining in the darkest of places. They start to lift your spirits because you look into their eyes and see so much hope and promise. That then redirects your perspective and makes you think differently. Through them you find that optimism you once had before your path became so jaded. Just at the moment you start to see clearer and feel better, they begin to doubt, they begin to fear failure. You then take what you’ve received from them and return it to them.

Now you both have a balance and you are nourished together through one another. That’s the recipe for a great relationship and the reason why relationships can last through the test of time. No one person should be responsible for two people in a relationship. You both must carry the load together. At times it won’t be equal but if you are doing your part and they are doing theirs, how can you fail?

Think about it like this (I’m speaking from personal experience), if you focus on the things that stress you the most, you overlook what is meant to bring you happiness and joy. If you aren’t giving your all to someone that loves you, then you aren’t focused on the right things. In the instant you decide to let the burdens go and handle what can be handled, you will start appreciating what you do have. So if you have someone in your corner, stop fussing over life and start living. Bills will always be there, problems will always arise, but love isn’t promised to you forever.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do The Work

It’s simple arithmetic, 1 + 1 = 2
So why do you still act as if you’re living solo?
Why do you still make decisions without discussing it with your partner, when those decisions affect the both of you?
You hear that when you become a couple you are no longer two people
People like to say that you become one soul
Some parts of that are true but honestly you still must think on an individual basis from time to time
Knowing the right approach, knowing what is a good or bad idea, and knowing what works and doesn’t work comes from communication
If you are new to the concept of a healthy and well-functioning relationship, make that known to your partner
We all have a past of being with people that weren’t right for us
We all have been in situations when we basically carried the relationship emotionally, financially, and spiritually
So going into a better situation requires you to share that past with them so that they understand what’s going on with your contribution to the relationship
No one enjoys trying to read your mind and when you leave the other person with only that option, 9 times out of 10, what they come up with won’t be your true intentions
It is really disheartening when you see relationships end left and right
Often times it is those simple things that could have been repaired and could have saved the relationship
Nowadays people are so impatient and don’t want to invest the time to make things work
Then you see them posting about how tired they are of being single, yet when you are with someone you don’t want to do the work
To my single guys that have what it takes to make another person happy, hold on your mate is coming
To those that jump from relationship to relationship, destroying someone else’s chance for happiness…

Monday, September 29, 2014

Seek and You Shall Find

If for every moment you spend together you fall deeper in love, why wouldn’t you appreciate the quality time?
If for every moment you spend talking together you learn more and more about him, why wouldn’t you communicate, more often?
If for every moment you have a horrible day and all he has to do is hold you and tell you it’s going to be all right, why would you not open up to him?
We can get so familiar with the idea that we’ll never meet a person that can be the other half of us that even when we meet them, we push them away because of our doubts, fears, and insecurities
Opening up your heart is never an easy task and it’s understandable that you would be apprehensive to do so
However, if that need for companionship remains and in time it intensifies, why would you neglect your heart’s desire and that need to fulfill the part of your life that’s missing
Follow your heart, mind, and your instincts
If you must kiss a few frogs along the way, ensure that you wear lip balm
Don’t get so discouraged that you stop your search
Once you’ve dated and there still hasn’t been a love connection, take some time for you and allow that energy that you’ve placed into the universe to come back to you
Doing right by people can boost your chances of finding the right mate for your life
Keep in mind that what goes around comes back around
What you do to others will be done to you
So if true love is what you seek, ensure that true love is what you have to offer

Friday, September 26, 2014

Us & We

There’s just enough to feed one of us
So I give you the portion
There’s only one sip left
So I put the cup to your lips
There’s only enough gas to make it to one of our destinations
So I drive you to where you need to be
These are my intentions for you but yet you have the same intentions for me
So we share the last morsel
So we sip from the same cup
So we both decide to stay in and be together
In a relationship there is sacrifice, selflessness, support, dedication, and loyalty
In love you no longer think of just you
In love you build a foundation that is strong enough to hold you both down
No more “I” and “Me”
It is only “Us” and “We”
The day you let them in your life you give up what you felt was all yours
It’s a decision made easy because of how much you love them and they love you
All you should see is what you can do and where you can go
All you should envision is how much stronger your love will grow

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Worth It

Just because his past is jagged and dented doesn’t make him less
Just because he has fears in his present doesn’t make him a mess
We are who we are but it doesn’t mean that we’ll be who we’ll be
There is always room for growth and change
Not everyone succumbs to their history
Not every pattern is unbreakable
If he’s in your life and you love him… why would he be walking alone?
A partnership consists of two parties working towards a common goal
In this case the goal is a happy and healthy life
We all carry luggage of our lives with us each day
Not everyone has mastered the ability to put each portion in its respective place
Sometimes you receive someone that requires your knowledge of living
Sometimes when you help one you actually help yourself
Never feel you are too above to look below
You have been given strength for a reason
Your heart is open to love but we tend to let our eyes feel for us
Look past the surface and dig for the core
Once you peel away the debris you are bound to find so much more
Anything great is worth working for


Yearning to be heard, but my words seem absurd
Trying to focus on what you say, but my attention fades away
Reaching out for you, but my arms become heavy
Trying to keep you warm, but my body feels oh so cold
It’s not you, it’s me
Unsure of what this all could be
So much trapped inside and I fear the idea of setting it all free
Could you take what comes?
Could you deal with the full story?
Could you be my anchor once the flood gates are destroyed?
Will you understand that my story doesn’t make me?
Hell, can I truly admit that it doesn’t?
Confusion, doubt, fear, insecurity, uncertainty
Yet I want to feel the opposite when you lay next to me
I don’t want you to carry the burden of my life
For you have your own to hold
What type of life would it be if we both let our past unfold?
No longer prisoners of our story
But washed away pure by his glory
A higher power steps in
A new way of living begins
Will you walk with me?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Image You See

Standing in front of a mirror you look at yourself from head to toe. You notice the shape of your head. You notice the size of your ears. You notice that odd difference of shape in your eyes. Then there gets to a point where you start distorting the view and start thinking instead of seeing. The thoughts of what other people might think. The wonder if someone will find this flaw attractive. You start worrying about the image that may or may not be appealing to someone else instead of appreciating what you have and what you see.

What people don’t realize is for the most part, people are truly visual when it comes to being attracted to you. Not all of us were born with flawless skin, a cut and trim figure, perfect teeth, just right hair, well maintained feet, soft and strong hands, and endowments that would make someone blush. Those that may not have those things may have the most important thing of all. This isn’t something that can be put on Instagram or a picture post for Facebook. This can only be seen when you give that person a chance to show you.

A genuine heart is sexy as hell! It’s the one thing that money cannot buy, repair or upgrade. A genuine heart is everlasting, it’s reliable, it’s nurturing, it’s powerful, and it’s security without measure. So while those that put all of their stock into their looks and not their personality, those of you that have a genuine heart keep being and doing you. Just because it may seem as though you’ll never find love, doesn’t mean that you won’t. Remember that the energy you put into the universe becomes the energy that people feel in your presence. So if you don’t believe you are worthy of love, then why be surprised when you can’t find it?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Never settle for just enough. You are meant for more than a hand out. Be the star you know yourself to be. Show the world that you are not just merely another person walking the earth. You are power, in the living flesh, you are radiance in the dim, you are energy in the mundane, and you are the winner surrounded by haters. Be a gift, be the gift, and never apologize for being amazing!

Working My Zen

Trying my best to remain Zen! Growing up with a temper is difficult. You have so many emotions racing through you at once. It at one point was difficult not to go off. Body temperature would rise and the nose started bleeding. I figured out that it wasn’t that I was that angry, it was that I held so much in. So I made it a point to start speaking my mind to avoid that feeling ever again. Now that I am approaching 39, I still do my self-evaluation and self-reflection. I am starting to feel like maybe I am too Zen and people are starting to take my coolness for granted. Maybe I need to let the old me out just a bit to get my point across. I refuse to just let go of the work I’ve done in making myself better. I refuse to keep feeling like I need to watch what I say when people obviously could care less about my feelings.

With age comes knowledge and wisdom; with patience comes clearer vision and understanding. In the palm of your hand you can grasp all you know about life and still feel that you know enough. The myth about growth is that it happens with each passing year. The truth is that it happens from learning and changing based on experiences in life. So in order to truly grow, you must submit to the truth, learn humility, and take the approach to humbleness.

Monday, September 15, 2014


We are faced with tough decisions and no win scenarios from time to time. You hear so often that it’s just life and we just got to deal with it in the best way possible. For the most part that statement is true. However, when you allow certain energy into your life, you attract that same energy throughout your life. We can be our own downfall if we aren’t careful.

You have people that thrive off of creating drama and unnecessary stress. When there are certain situations in front of you, it’s natural to want to solve them and take the positive route instead of being the Devil’s Advocate; for whatever reason people feel that it’s a badge of honor to be the one that stirs the pot.

One of the biggest issues in society is the lack of unity. In a large group of people trying to establish a positive united front, you have those that are along for the ride to dampen and even ruin the efforts. I feel strongly that people with such limited imaginations and a weak sense of empowerment should be wiped from the fold.

When Harriet Tubman led the slaves to freedom there were slaves that could have caused them their lives by fearing the journey and wanting to turn back. History states that “any means necessary” was the approach she had to take to protect the lives of so many in her care. A mere threat to shoot anyone that turned back was her stance. Not saying that we should follow that example but the principle is the same. When a movement is being formed you should not allow chains or anything that could hold you back from achieving a goal and changing the world be allowed to stand with you.

Every life changing moment starts off small and eventually matures into a shift in the mindset of how people view the world. In order to be that reason behind that shift you must do what is necessary to strengthen your aim and ensure that you achieve what you set out to do.

This isn’t just for the LGBT community; this is for anyone that wants to see the world do better. That possibility starts with something as small as “Hope” and grows into something as powerful as a “Vision.” So be a Visionary and not a spectator. Don’t speak on how horrible the world is when you aren’t trying to make a difference. Don’t try to insult the intentions of those willing to stand up and make that move when you aren’t willing to be a leader.

Me vs Struggle

Dear Struggle,

It’s obvious that our communication lacks improvement. Being that as it may, I would like to reiterate that I in no way want to continue our relationship. Since the day you came into my life you have brought nothing but trouble. For whatever reason you feel like it’s cool to ruin my plans, break up my good day, try to stop me from living my dreams, and even try to ruin my relationships.

I admit that I let you have lead way in the beginning because I thought you had a place in my life. I realize that I was wrong to give you any power at all. Now I am aware of what you represent and I no longer will allow you to have access to my hopes and my dreams.

From this moment on you are my enemy and I won’t allow my enemies to bring me down when I am feeling happy and receiving my blessings. You may exist and obviously I cannot stop you from coming around, but what I can do and will do is fight you every step of the way.

I will no longer make it easy for you to be in my life. From this day forward I will be the storm on your beautiful day, I will be the rain in your sunshine, and I will be the downer on your future plans. In short, its war Bitch! I don’t plan on backing down, and I promise you I will win! So bring it!

Friday, September 12, 2014

That's Life

Have you ever had a day where it feels like no matter where you step there is yet another stumbling block in your way?
Ever feel like no matter how much you climb you just slide right back down?
Ever feel like the world makes a choice to attack you all at the same time?
No matter how you try not to let it get to you, it still does, and those around you that love you can see it and are being hit by it as well
Life is just a force that cares not of your situation, your frustrations, your concerns, your grievances, and your need for peace
Submission isn’t a choice and you shouldn’t want it to be
There has got to be a reason that things get so bad
There has got to be a reason that you can’t see the forest beyond the trees
There has got to be a light at the end of the dark and narrow tunnel
I refuse to stop fighting
I refuse to give up
I refuse to let go of all that I’ve worked so hard for
The true definition of strength is knowing when to say, “I am truly overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do!”
It doesn’t mean that you’re weak or giving up, it means that you can address when you aren’t at your best and you know that you aren’t being yourself
It is life, it won’t suddenly become peaches and cream, but you can still work towards that image
It isn’t impossible to survive; it just requires more of your strength, and more of your patience
If you aren’t alone, it requires the strength of your partner and the patience he gives
I submit to not being able to do it all
I submit to admitting that I don’t have all the answers
However, I will not submit to defeat and I will never give up

Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Visitor

There’s a pounding at my door
Not sure if I should open it or hope that it just goes away
There isn’t anyone there just that constant, agonizing sound
It gets louder and louder as I withdraw further and further
Fear creeps in as if to just acknowledge its presence
There’s a moment of silence and I feel that I’ve won out
Then here comes that pounding again
Once again I stand in doubt
I want to fight the urge to run but facing it scares me to
If I open this door what in the hell would I do?
Could I face it for real, see what it is, express how I feel?
Would it go away? Would it stand down?
Is this the day? Should I do it now?
Contemplating while still standing as before
Heart beating like crazy as I stare at the floor
There’s a pounding at my door
Not sure if I should open it or hope that it just goes away
I know that it’s my fear of failure
I can no longer keep that to myself
The question is what pounds at your door?
They say speaking the truth is good for your health
If I face my fears would you do it as well?
I don’t know if I’ll win, only my actions can tell

Monday, September 8, 2014

In love...

What a wonder, what a joy, there is no other life I would employ
You are the destination to my journey around the world
In 80 days..forget that, I want to love you in 80 ways
That’s just a random number and isn’t remotely enough
I stand tall, chest out, not a thug but this brotha is truly tough
I’ve endured a life that most couldn’t survive
What’s my secret…I thank God that I’m still alive
I don’t see it as loss of people I love
I see it as their birth to a higher power
Though I miss them every second, minute, and hour
Back to you, yeah the cutie that stole my heart
Now that our lives are one we’ll never part
Because of you there is a rhyme and reason
I have invested my lifetime and not my season
That thumping you feel in my chest when we embrace
Yeah that’s excitement and joy
A true love that knows its place
Never question what you are to me
Never doubt my future but ask about my history
Because my story with you is still being told
Our love will still be remembered when Earth is empty and life as we know it becomes old


Before you…

I would close my eyes and see nothingness
I would open my mouth to sing but would yell
I would lie in my bed to sleep but would toss and turn
I would be in a crowd and want to engage but would stand alone
I would want to bust out laughing but would cry
My life seemed motionless and so uncertain
My everyday seemed to run on and on and on
No matter what I tried to do to fill the void the emptiness only grew
I felt consumed and depleted

With you…

I close my eyes and envision the future we are building together
I sing constantly and smile with every song…you sing with me
I lie in bed to sleep but stay up talking and laughing with you
I walk past the crowds to be with you
I laugh so much that I cry from how much joy is within me
My life is so uncertain because there are just so many possibilities
My days are too short and my time away from you is too long
I am filled to capacity with love from you and for you that it overflows
I am consumed by your energy and as time grows I am expanding my soul to include you

Ask and you shall receive...

It’s always best to face the issue head on and not to allow it time to grow into a storm that can’t be faced. A good relationship is one that is based on truth, fact, compromise, straight-forwardness, and partnership.

Not every man you meet will be perfect because you are so perfect…Right??? If you think that you are in a place to tell someone else how they should be or where they should be and you haven’t gotten your life yet…then you shouldn’t throw stones from rented windows.

A good man may come to you in the state that he’s in, be it unemployed, and not financially sound, living with family/friends, etc. The proof of a man is not where he is in his life, it’s what he’s doing while there. Never underestimate him because he may not be where he wants to be, chances are that God has him right where he needs to be. You can tell if a man has potential based on how he maneuvers through his struggles.

It’s easy to weed out those “Sorry Ass Ninjas” because they make constant excuses for why they don’t have this and that. A real man will always say, “I’m not there yet, but I will be.” Be his support, be his cheerleader, be his shoulder, when he gets down be that swift kick in the ass to get him back up.

If you truly want a good partner in your life because you know that you are a good partner, then realize that not everyone can easily accomplish those goals to be at a standard you feel they should be. Not everyone is destined for the greatness you feel you have. Often times God sends you someone to keep you humble by showing you that you can be happy with just “regular” and not always trying to have it all.

Be careful of how high you try to climb…once you’re up there, the only direction next, if you’re not humbled and genuine, is down. I would rather fall into the arms of a good man than to fall alone with nothing but accomplishments that didn’t secure my landing.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Past...Is the past

We all have a past
We all have remaining baggage
We all have scars
When we enter into a relationship there are times when our past comes back to haunt us
We start feelings things that we thought were no longer in us
We start acting out in a way that suggests we are trying to still protect ourselves from hurt
It can happen so much that we end up pushing away someone that truly loves us
It’s not something to feel ashamed about
It’s not something to hide or run from
Being able to express that you aren’t truly ready but willing is the step in the right direction
If you have someone that loves you for you, they will work with you and walk beside you
No one is ever truly ready for the leap of love
It sounds good and by all accounts it feels good
Love makes you smile and gives you that life you’ve dreamt about
At times we look over the real life aspect of a relationship because we are wearing love goggles
Hard times are expected but working together through those hard times will build the strength you need to work through your past issues
Sometimes it takes a fall to pick yourself up and dust yourself off
Never forget that you are no longer alone
Your partner is there standing and ready to be your hand in your journey to rid yourself once and for all from your past pains and hurts
He is just waiting for you to recognize that

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All Of You

If at all possible could you give me your soul?
Not your time, not your mind, not merely your body to hold
I’m talking the very essence of you
The thing that makes your body shine
I want you to be one with me both spirit and mind
An eternity with you would never give me enough time
Giving you my existence is easy and for me it would be just fine
Not much to ask at all
My purpose, my conscience, my heartbeat
You are my reason, my love, my life, my happiness on repeat
For you have been created for me and me for you
We bond together like the ingredients of the world’s strongest glue
Angels from heaven and now here dwelling on earth
Somehow I knew I would find you, my destination since birth
My Nugget though your height overwhelms mine
My equal in spirit though our age speaks differently
What brings people together this strong is still a mystery
But it is ours to solve no one else need be involved
Our world is being created right now
I teach you, you teach me, we both will learn how
To love one another the way we deserve
If at all possible could you give me your soul?
Not your time, not your mind, not merely your body to hold
I’m talking the very essence of you
The thing that makes your body shine
We’ll repeat this poem until the very end of time

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Right Change...

It's really a trip when you make decisions to change your life. There are those people that are true "Ride or Die" and then there are those that blindside you with things you didn't know. Like people telling you that they wanted to be with you, people not agreeing with your life choices, or just people trying to rain on your parade.

Whatever happened to people just being happy for you? Whatever happened to a strong support system? Life is difficult enough without having those around you trying to weigh you down and destroy your happiness with their misery.

Keep at bay that which would bring down the joy you seek. Take a moment to re-evaluate those around you. Often times we collect people in our lives because they need us more than we need them. If you are a nurturer, a provider, a healer, a giver, or just an all-around genuine person you will be tested and even taken for granted.

Unfortunately beautiful people attract all sorts of people and it's often difficult to weed out the ones not deserving of our nurturing spirit. So if you are in a place of transition in your life and you are beginning to figure out or even beginning to second guess your inner circle, chances are you have those types of people and you need to follow your instinct to part ways from them.

Never allow their negativity to trigger you becoming negative in retaliation to them. Don't give them your power, instead, use your power to maybe enlighten them on how you should respect and cherish when you have been blessed to have such an amazing person in their life. Maybe that act will change them from the inside and they may one day walk the walk of true and genuine existence.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's All On You

Ask yourself these questions…
Are you worth the risk?
Are you worth the sacrifice?
Are you the one that can impact someone’s life?
Can you truly give your heart to someone without holding back?
Can you be transparent?
Can you be there through it all?
Can you take someone as they are without exception?
Can you be their protector, their soldier, their knight in shining armor?

It’s not as simple as just saying yes and trying to convince love interest that you are all of these things. The best way to answer these questions isn’t by words but by actions. Love is a beautiful thing, but without showing your love…it’s merely a word. So many of us put our fears as restrictions of what we won’t tolerate or deal with. It’s easier to come off as being picky and not to show that we are broken and scared of being hurt again.

Face that pain that has you in that place. You aren’t meant to live alone if in your heart you truly want love. God designed you and created your other half. It’s difficult for them to find you or for you to see them if you are blinded by fear and pain.
To those people that try to sabotage other people’s relationships, I say to you, get your own house in order before trying to critique and diminish what they have built and are building together. Chances are you could be missing out on happiness because you are too wrapped up in your own bitterness.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Enough is Enough

If someone approached you right now and asked you, “Who are you and what are you doing to leave a legacy?”
What would be your answer? Tough questions or do you have an answer?

We tend to exist just to be here with no purpose. Something interesting happened to someone close to my heart yesterday. Someone in his family felt it necessary to call a pastor and have the pastor come to his house to “Pray the gay away.”
What always amazes me with situations like this is the fact that people automatically want to assume that we are evil and are cheering for Satan’s return just because we live our lives free from the proverbial closet. It’s that type of mentality that causes such a rift in our society and wrecks our culture as people.

Regardless of your skin tone, your choice in life, your choice in friends, your choice in hobbies or habits…you are free to do whatever the hell you choose to do. No one has the right to tell you otherwise. It’s when you decide to go after others when you don’t agree with who they are and what they do when it has nothing to do with you.

I am in a family with Christians and they live by the word and for the word. I see their transformation firsthand and not once have they treated me any differently. It’s because a true child of God knows not to cast a stone and speak for God. If God actually has an issue with who I love, I am pretty sure that he is more than capable of addressing me in a way that I would understand and respect.

“Bible Thumpers” are people that get a menial portion of something that they consider the word and run around thumping everyone that they believe live against what they believe they understand. Once you begin to go toe to toe with them (Like my Nugget did to someone that challenged him on the Bible yesterday) they end up submitting and just stating the obvious, “God is the one that can judge you, not me.”
With all that we have going on in the world today, our youth are dying, police are becoming public enemy number one, our babies are still being taken and brutalized, yet you still want to attack us for being us. There are ignorant ass people wanting to protest Robin William’s funeral because he portrayed a gay man in a hilarious movie, “Bird Cage.”

This is the trifling world that we live in. You want to be heard but you refuse to listen. You want to be seen but refuse to open your eyes. You won’t change us and you damn sure can’t say that you’re better than us because we aren’t on a campaign to change everyone gay; we just want to live our lives. You on the other hand make it your daily and nightly mission to try to destroy us as a people. If your “Bible” teaches you to make someone hate themselves and feel ashamed to live, then I will stick to my personal relationship with my God and I will leave you to continue dancing with the devil.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

This is me...

From so much in my past I have survived
I stand before the world a real strong, gay, black man
I know what it’s like to have a large family, a love of your life, and fun all the time
I know what it’s like to have that all broken apart
Watching the life you once cherished being shattered
People that you love and cherish are no longer with you
The love of your life now gone and you’re standing there all alone
A family that once was large has now been wrecked with loss and tragedy
It is no way to prepare for so much in such a short period of time
No matter how old you are, when you bury both of your parents you feel like an orphan
Being in love for 9 ½ years only to come home to find him gone…lifeless
You feel helpless, hopeless, angry, terrified, and lost
No words of comfort can aid you
No ideas of fun can distract you
You are in a dark place
The darkness becomes all you know
Then there is a bit of light
You fall in love again only to have that love fall apart
You end up alone once again
The heart becomes immune to happiness, excitement, joy, and the love of family
For several years I existed but didn’t live
I stood with people but felt invisible
Being surrounded by laughter I smiled but didn’t feel joy
Being told tragic news felt normal and uneventful
Now I feel a change in the wind
I see the light at the end of a very dark and narrow tunnel
I am surrounded by the same family with love and promise
My heart has healed from a new love and a new future
My pain has dripped from my body like sweat in the Atlanta heat
I now know why the caged bird sings and I have songs for the world to hear
Know that your journey never stops
Know that each moment you experience life and survive; it only strengthens your soul armor and gives you the courage to keep fighting through
Once you grasp the cycle of life never take for granted the many difficulties you have yet to face
Never give in but always strive to win

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

After the scare...

As I lay across the bed I could still feel the pressure and pain around my neck. I started getting flashbacks from the attack. I couldn’t believe that the man I loved would be able to do that to me. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t cry, and I couldn’t utter a word. The look in his eyes, the power in his hands, it was as if he wanted my life to end at that very moment.

How could a harmless argument reach to that explosion? What could I have said or done to make him view me as something and not someone? Just this morning we made love and it was as passionate as it’d always been. Afterwards we would lie together and just look into each other’s eyes. It was as if we were blending our souls. Those are moments I cannot get enough of. They are moments that fuel me through my hardest of days and times.

Now here I am holding my throat and wondering what else is coming. He immediately stopped, stared at me, and then he ran out of the room. I could hear him sobbing as he fumbled for his keys. The door slammed behind him with such force I could feel the gust of wind in the bedroom which is at the other end of the apartment. This isn’t the man I love. This can’t be the man that just told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

Before I could get out of bed I saw my phone light up. I slowly reached for it only to find his picture on the screen. As soon as I saw his face I began to feel the pressure and pain around my neck again. Do I dare speak with him after such a violent display? What would I say to him? What could he possibly say to me? I fought past my worries and fears; I clicked on the answer button.

Me: “Hello…” I said as soft as I could. My throat was on fire.
Ryan: “Help me…”

The Proposal

He asked me for my hand and instantly my heart started to race. “Am I ready for this step?” is what I was thinking but my heart was screaming aloud “YES! YES! YES!” Some would call me crazy for falling in love so quickly, but others know me to be a person that follows their feelings and not their thoughts…much less the opinions of others.

Don’t get me wrong I understand that you must think through things before making a conscience decision, but when it feels right it just moves you to decide quicker. I looked at him and smiled, I could feel the intensity in his body…he was waiting for my response. I didn’t want to answer too quickly and then I didn’t want to take too long.

I thought over our relationship, all of the things that led to this moment. When we initially met it was as if we’d known one another forever. I couldn’t envision how my life was before he came into it. I know it all sounds cliché but he feels like my lifelong love. What would be the big deal with accepting his marriage proposal? If I love him like I do now, why would I fear taking that final step with him?
Then fear crept back into my heart. What if I say yes and this changes everything between us? What if we are fine the way we are? Would I be making a huge mistake by changing what has made us happy thus far?

I looked down at the ring; I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I looked up at him and saw that he was already tearing up and trying to be strong. It felt like he’d already known my answer before I did. I couldn’t contain the anticipation any longer. I wiped the tears from my eyes, took his hand and placed it on my heart and said…

Praise Manhood

I am feeling so down…here he comes to lift me up
I am so pissed off…here he comes to listen to me vent
I am so lost right now…here he comes to grab my hand and guide me
I am so cold right now…here he comes to warm me up
I am starving…here he comes to feed me
I am lonely…here he comes to keep me company
I give up…here he comes to tell me to step up, be strong, and stop whining
In all the above scenarios, what’s missing? It can’t be all about you
There has to be an equal balance of support, partnership, and love
When you find a man that gives you all and you just take, you are wasting a true blessing in your life
There are men that love to give and never care to receive
There are men that just want to see you happy despite their happiness
Those are admirable qualities but the truth of the matter is everyone deserves to receive
Don’t take advantage of a beautiful heart
Instead… nourish it, praise it, glorify it, and acknowledge it
Let him know that he is “The Prize”
Show him that what he does for you isn’t taken for granted
Put him on high to the point he can almost see GOD eye to eye
Love that man until there is no meaning behind the word
Love him until the world starts to feel jealous at the attention he receives for being a good man

Tracks of my tears...

Tears are powerful
They could mean that you’re sad
They could mean that you’re happy
They could mean that you’re confused
They could mean that you’re scared
They could mean that you’re tired
Whatever draws tears from your eyes is important in that moment
So often we try to hide what’s going on inside of us
We play off serious situations by making silly jokes
We mask our pain with anger to hide the fact that we’re hurting
We mask our vulnerability with confidence to protect ourselves
No matter what you try to do, your tell is your tears
Try working with the emotions instead of fighting them
Try expressing what’s going on inside instead of trying to redirect people from the truth
It’s so much easier to just be transparent than to try to be complex
In the end your complexity only leaves you alone, broken, and afraid
Sometimes a good cry makes it all better and allows someone to step in where they’re needed


It’s a serious decision
It’s a deeper connection
It’s a life altering addition
It’s a fear of change
It’s a fear of falling
It’s an amazing idea
It’s a beautiful surprise
It’s an annoying situation
It’s the constant flow of tears from your eyes
So many takes on the same thing will drive you crazy or insane
Listening to others won’t give you the truth behind falling in love
Everyone is different so that means their experience will be also
If he’s standing in front of you offering his heart but all you can think about is what other people told you about this moment…chances are it isn't him that’s not ready, it’s you
Life is short and before you know it, life is done
Do you really want to be standing alone trying to be so overly cautious?
Do you really want to be standing alone crying to everyone about the impossibility of love?
So many people trash the idea of love
So many people give you their take on it
I would have you take a moment to really think for yourself
Love isn't the problem, it’s the connection
It takes you and the other person to make it work
So stop being a follower and become a leader of your own heart
If you happen to get hurt…so what! That’s life! You learn and you keep it moving
Don’t be left behind when love is all around you

Friday, August 15, 2014


As he sleeps I watch him quietly
The way he breathes
The way he twitches his nose
That funny face he makes
Then that moment when he feels for me and once he feels my body he smiles and drifts back to sleep
He is my everything
He is my anything
He is the one that makes me smile from the inside
That glow you see isn’t from me alone
He thinks of me often and never lets me forget it
Text messages just to say “I love you” or “Thinking about you baby”
Of the gifts that life can bring, it’s amazing how someone that never knew me before suddenly knows me more than anyone
He ensures that I never second-guess myself
He becomes upset when I forget how special I am
When I feel like falling down, he uses his strong arms to embrace me
When I feel like giving up he fuels me with encouragement
He’s more than my friend, my man, my Boo, my shoulder, my ear, the voice of reason
He is the very fabric of life and what he does to my soul is indescribable

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Just Venting...

I have come to the conclusion that in life you come to the end of the road with people. It can be family, your mate, a friend, or an associate. When you realize that you’ve done all that you can and they still can’t appreciate you, you got to cut them off. When you are focused on trying to make a relationship work with people at the expense of ruining your relationship with others, you are doing yourself a disservice and it’s time to change that. Know in your heart that you’ve done your part and you are merely fed up with being used and taken for granted. No more feeling guilty about the decisions you’ve made, just move on and live your life. There are people in your life that have been there for you and will continue to be there for you. If you have dropped the ball on those relationships, acknowledge it and then fix it. Keep the ones around you that love and respect you. Cut off the ones that may love you but just don’t appreciate you. Just as their lives are important to them, so should your life be important to you. I make that vow to myself and I pray that God will touch my intentions and cover them with his blessings. I do not do anything out of hate or anger, I do what I do out of love. So when I’ve done enough, there isn’t much more for me to prove to anyone.

Also, if you’ve chosen a path to walk with God that means you must acknowledge your previous walk. You can’t treat people as if they are dispensable to you and then expect them to just go with the flow. If God is putting on your heart to change and do the right thing, the right thing will make you humble and strong enough to face the decisions that you’ve made over the years. You always face what you’ve done in order to learn from it and become a better person. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you are free from your wrongs, it means that you are ready to face them so that you can be delivered from them. I never claim to be a perfect individual or even a Christian but I know enough to walk the walk and show who I am by what I do and not just what I say. I learned that from living and facing my decisions, not getting a degree online.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Listening and Learning

As important as it is to speak your mind
It is equally important to listen carefully to what is being said to you
We at times are so ready to say what we need to say
In those moments we aren't allowing our ears to work for us
There isn't always a wrong and right
There are moments when you can reach a compromise to agree to disagree
It's in that moment you can see how mature you truly are
The ability to take in what someone feels and accept it despite the fact that it doesn't agree with what you feel, is a true sign of maturity
We can be a little selfish in our thinking and in our beliefs
Sharing your feelings with someone that has different ideals and a different outlook can be fruitful for the both of you
Allow someone to give you their interpretation of any giving situation
That gives you an opportunity to step outside of your own comfort zone
Standing on your soap box only gives you a view that is solely yours
However, the world doesn't operate on the vision of you alone
In that thinking you will be able to receive and respect other people's differences and build a stronger connection to people in general
We all want to be heard and at times we just want to sit back and listen
Learn to do both when the time is right
You'll be surprised as to how many people will enjoy talking to you

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Rain

It's a rainy day
The sounds of the rain hits your roof, windows, porch, and grounds
It's soothing and it's calming
You sit there staring outside
While you stare you feel emotions running through you like air
The calm relaxes you enough for you to think
Your mind clears
Your worries, doubts, anxieties, fears, and concerns seem to wash away like the dirt from the rain water
As that happens you become aware of a clarity
You start to think about what you should do, over something you decided that turned out badly or just not the way you intended
That decision could be a friend, lover, job, action or thought
No matter what it is, the rain has calmed you enough to make a decision that could change your life
Think about that for a moment...
Something as ordinary as rain falling has got you thinking about life
Something that you see all the time and may never have taken the time to pay attention to has such a powerful influence over you
Is it the rain that has you this way?
Is it the sounds that have made you contemplate?
Or is it just you finally taking the time to listen to yourself for change?
Maybe the rain stopped you from running out in the streets to distract you from thinking
Maybe the rain is a force that makes you slow down long enough to do some self evaluation and inventory
Whatever the case, you are thinking things through now
Don't waste this moment trying to get out of dealing with something that obviously requires your attention
To make it simpler, just accept the rain and the power behind it
Just stay seated and listen to it
Take in the soothing sensation
Go back into your mind and work out what needs to be worked out
Some times it's better just to deal and not try to understand


It doesn't matter at what point you figure it out
It just matters that you get it
There are so many life lessons to take in and at times it can seem overwhelming or impossible to know enough to survive the world
The world its self can be very intimidating
You go through most of your life unaware of what's out there
Then you spend the rest of your life trying to merely survive what you've discovered
People aren't any different
You meet people and for the most part they have nothing but good intentions
Then again there are those "other people" that are out to get something from you or simply to just get you
If you have met those "other people" you start to make it almost impossible for anyone to get close to you again
In some ways that's a good way to be
In other ways it only gives the power of who you are or would become to those that hurt you
Never give your power of self to someone that didn't deserve it anyway
Don't beat yourself up about the past
There isn't anything left for you to try to do about what has been done
You just learn from it and apply what you've learned to your future
When people come into your life after you've dealt with the past, you are more in-tuned with the signs that let you know what this person's intentions truly are
You get a sense of what people are and who they are
Gathering this information helps you pick the right people to be in your life
When you think about it, it's all a learning experience
So why would you fear anything?
Why would you dare to push yourself out there?
At some point the four walls that you hide behind will need to come down
Trying to stay protected is only a sure way of being hurt in the long run
The only way a child can become immune to germs and other worldly ailments is if they go out into the world to allow their bodies to develop what it needs to strengthen its self
So why is it not the same when it comes to life in general
Stop scaring yourself into a hole and start building more room for more life
When it's all said and done, you can say that you've done it all

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Distant Lover & Distant Future

It's an amazing feeling to love someone
It's an amazing feeling to plan a future
It's an obstacle when distance becomes a factor
Yet the love that grows between the two of you fuels the drive for it to grow and strengthen
There are plans in motion
There are ideas shared
There are feelings combined
There are histories exposed

Hearts are fragile
Emotions are sensitive
Thoughts can be scattered
Past issues can rear their ugly heads
It doesn't mean that you aren't ready for true love
It simply means that there are areas that require attention
You must restructure
You must face what is
You must acknowledge what is

To live in your truth is difficult
To walk in your truth is rough
To find someone to share that journey with is truly amazing
To have that partner to walk the walk with is an amazing feeling
So if distance is all that you have to fear, you have nothing to fear at all