The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Monday, September 29, 2014

Seek and You Shall Find

If for every moment you spend together you fall deeper in love, why wouldn’t you appreciate the quality time?
If for every moment you spend talking together you learn more and more about him, why wouldn’t you communicate, more often?
If for every moment you have a horrible day and all he has to do is hold you and tell you it’s going to be all right, why would you not open up to him?
We can get so familiar with the idea that we’ll never meet a person that can be the other half of us that even when we meet them, we push them away because of our doubts, fears, and insecurities
Opening up your heart is never an easy task and it’s understandable that you would be apprehensive to do so
However, if that need for companionship remains and in time it intensifies, why would you neglect your heart’s desire and that need to fulfill the part of your life that’s missing
Follow your heart, mind, and your instincts
If you must kiss a few frogs along the way, ensure that you wear lip balm
Don’t get so discouraged that you stop your search
Once you’ve dated and there still hasn’t been a love connection, take some time for you and allow that energy that you’ve placed into the universe to come back to you
Doing right by people can boost your chances of finding the right mate for your life
Keep in mind that what goes around comes back around
What you do to others will be done to you
So if true love is what you seek, ensure that true love is what you have to offer

Friday, September 26, 2014

Us & We

There’s just enough to feed one of us
So I give you the portion
There’s only one sip left
So I put the cup to your lips
There’s only enough gas to make it to one of our destinations
So I drive you to where you need to be
These are my intentions for you but yet you have the same intentions for me
So we share the last morsel
So we sip from the same cup
So we both decide to stay in and be together
In a relationship there is sacrifice, selflessness, support, dedication, and loyalty
In love you no longer think of just you
In love you build a foundation that is strong enough to hold you both down
No more “I” and “Me”
It is only “Us” and “We”
The day you let them in your life you give up what you felt was all yours
It’s a decision made easy because of how much you love them and they love you
All you should see is what you can do and where you can go
All you should envision is how much stronger your love will grow

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Worth It

Just because his past is jagged and dented doesn’t make him less
Just because he has fears in his present doesn’t make him a mess
We are who we are but it doesn’t mean that we’ll be who we’ll be
There is always room for growth and change
Not everyone succumbs to their history
Not every pattern is unbreakable
If he’s in your life and you love him… why would he be walking alone?
A partnership consists of two parties working towards a common goal
In this case the goal is a happy and healthy life
We all carry luggage of our lives with us each day
Not everyone has mastered the ability to put each portion in its respective place
Sometimes you receive someone that requires your knowledge of living
Sometimes when you help one you actually help yourself
Never feel you are too above to look below
You have been given strength for a reason
Your heart is open to love but we tend to let our eyes feel for us
Look past the surface and dig for the core
Once you peel away the debris you are bound to find so much more
Anything great is worth working for


Yearning to be heard, but my words seem absurd
Trying to focus on what you say, but my attention fades away
Reaching out for you, but my arms become heavy
Trying to keep you warm, but my body feels oh so cold
It’s not you, it’s me
Unsure of what this all could be
So much trapped inside and I fear the idea of setting it all free
Could you take what comes?
Could you deal with the full story?
Could you be my anchor once the flood gates are destroyed?
Will you understand that my story doesn’t make me?
Hell, can I truly admit that it doesn’t?
Confusion, doubt, fear, insecurity, uncertainty
Yet I want to feel the opposite when you lay next to me
I don’t want you to carry the burden of my life
For you have your own to hold
What type of life would it be if we both let our past unfold?
No longer prisoners of our story
But washed away pure by his glory
A higher power steps in
A new way of living begins
Will you walk with me?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Image You See

Standing in front of a mirror you look at yourself from head to toe. You notice the shape of your head. You notice the size of your ears. You notice that odd difference of shape in your eyes. Then there gets to a point where you start distorting the view and start thinking instead of seeing. The thoughts of what other people might think. The wonder if someone will find this flaw attractive. You start worrying about the image that may or may not be appealing to someone else instead of appreciating what you have and what you see.

What people don’t realize is for the most part, people are truly visual when it comes to being attracted to you. Not all of us were born with flawless skin, a cut and trim figure, perfect teeth, just right hair, well maintained feet, soft and strong hands, and endowments that would make someone blush. Those that may not have those things may have the most important thing of all. This isn’t something that can be put on Instagram or a picture post for Facebook. This can only be seen when you give that person a chance to show you.

A genuine heart is sexy as hell! It’s the one thing that money cannot buy, repair or upgrade. A genuine heart is everlasting, it’s reliable, it’s nurturing, it’s powerful, and it’s security without measure. So while those that put all of their stock into their looks and not their personality, those of you that have a genuine heart keep being and doing you. Just because it may seem as though you’ll never find love, doesn’t mean that you won’t. Remember that the energy you put into the universe becomes the energy that people feel in your presence. So if you don’t believe you are worthy of love, then why be surprised when you can’t find it?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Never settle for just enough. You are meant for more than a hand out. Be the star you know yourself to be. Show the world that you are not just merely another person walking the earth. You are power, in the living flesh, you are radiance in the dim, you are energy in the mundane, and you are the winner surrounded by haters. Be a gift, be the gift, and never apologize for being amazing!

Working My Zen

Trying my best to remain Zen! Growing up with a temper is difficult. You have so many emotions racing through you at once. It at one point was difficult not to go off. Body temperature would rise and the nose started bleeding. I figured out that it wasn’t that I was that angry, it was that I held so much in. So I made it a point to start speaking my mind to avoid that feeling ever again. Now that I am approaching 39, I still do my self-evaluation and self-reflection. I am starting to feel like maybe I am too Zen and people are starting to take my coolness for granted. Maybe I need to let the old me out just a bit to get my point across. I refuse to just let go of the work I’ve done in making myself better. I refuse to keep feeling like I need to watch what I say when people obviously could care less about my feelings.

With age comes knowledge and wisdom; with patience comes clearer vision and understanding. In the palm of your hand you can grasp all you know about life and still feel that you know enough. The myth about growth is that it happens with each passing year. The truth is that it happens from learning and changing based on experiences in life. So in order to truly grow, you must submit to the truth, learn humility, and take the approach to humbleness.

Monday, September 15, 2014


We are faced with tough decisions and no win scenarios from time to time. You hear so often that it’s just life and we just got to deal with it in the best way possible. For the most part that statement is true. However, when you allow certain energy into your life, you attract that same energy throughout your life. We can be our own downfall if we aren’t careful.

You have people that thrive off of creating drama and unnecessary stress. When there are certain situations in front of you, it’s natural to want to solve them and take the positive route instead of being the Devil’s Advocate; for whatever reason people feel that it’s a badge of honor to be the one that stirs the pot.

One of the biggest issues in society is the lack of unity. In a large group of people trying to establish a positive united front, you have those that are along for the ride to dampen and even ruin the efforts. I feel strongly that people with such limited imaginations and a weak sense of empowerment should be wiped from the fold.

When Harriet Tubman led the slaves to freedom there were slaves that could have caused them their lives by fearing the journey and wanting to turn back. History states that “any means necessary” was the approach she had to take to protect the lives of so many in her care. A mere threat to shoot anyone that turned back was her stance. Not saying that we should follow that example but the principle is the same. When a movement is being formed you should not allow chains or anything that could hold you back from achieving a goal and changing the world be allowed to stand with you.

Every life changing moment starts off small and eventually matures into a shift in the mindset of how people view the world. In order to be that reason behind that shift you must do what is necessary to strengthen your aim and ensure that you achieve what you set out to do.

This isn’t just for the LGBT community; this is for anyone that wants to see the world do better. That possibility starts with something as small as “Hope” and grows into something as powerful as a “Vision.” So be a Visionary and not a spectator. Don’t speak on how horrible the world is when you aren’t trying to make a difference. Don’t try to insult the intentions of those willing to stand up and make that move when you aren’t willing to be a leader.

Me vs Struggle

Dear Struggle,

It’s obvious that our communication lacks improvement. Being that as it may, I would like to reiterate that I in no way want to continue our relationship. Since the day you came into my life you have brought nothing but trouble. For whatever reason you feel like it’s cool to ruin my plans, break up my good day, try to stop me from living my dreams, and even try to ruin my relationships.

I admit that I let you have lead way in the beginning because I thought you had a place in my life. I realize that I was wrong to give you any power at all. Now I am aware of what you represent and I no longer will allow you to have access to my hopes and my dreams.

From this moment on you are my enemy and I won’t allow my enemies to bring me down when I am feeling happy and receiving my blessings. You may exist and obviously I cannot stop you from coming around, but what I can do and will do is fight you every step of the way.

I will no longer make it easy for you to be in my life. From this day forward I will be the storm on your beautiful day, I will be the rain in your sunshine, and I will be the downer on your future plans. In short, its war Bitch! I don’t plan on backing down, and I promise you I will win! So bring it!

Friday, September 12, 2014

That's Life

Have you ever had a day where it feels like no matter where you step there is yet another stumbling block in your way?
Ever feel like no matter how much you climb you just slide right back down?
Ever feel like the world makes a choice to attack you all at the same time?
No matter how you try not to let it get to you, it still does, and those around you that love you can see it and are being hit by it as well
Life is just a force that cares not of your situation, your frustrations, your concerns, your grievances, and your need for peace
Submission isn’t a choice and you shouldn’t want it to be
There has got to be a reason that things get so bad
There has got to be a reason that you can’t see the forest beyond the trees
There has got to be a light at the end of the dark and narrow tunnel
I refuse to stop fighting
I refuse to give up
I refuse to let go of all that I’ve worked so hard for
The true definition of strength is knowing when to say, “I am truly overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do!”
It doesn’t mean that you’re weak or giving up, it means that you can address when you aren’t at your best and you know that you aren’t being yourself
It is life, it won’t suddenly become peaches and cream, but you can still work towards that image
It isn’t impossible to survive; it just requires more of your strength, and more of your patience
If you aren’t alone, it requires the strength of your partner and the patience he gives
I submit to not being able to do it all
I submit to admitting that I don’t have all the answers
However, I will not submit to defeat and I will never give up

Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Visitor

There’s a pounding at my door
Not sure if I should open it or hope that it just goes away
There isn’t anyone there just that constant, agonizing sound
It gets louder and louder as I withdraw further and further
Fear creeps in as if to just acknowledge its presence
There’s a moment of silence and I feel that I’ve won out
Then here comes that pounding again
Once again I stand in doubt
I want to fight the urge to run but facing it scares me to
If I open this door what in the hell would I do?
Could I face it for real, see what it is, express how I feel?
Would it go away? Would it stand down?
Is this the day? Should I do it now?
Contemplating while still standing as before
Heart beating like crazy as I stare at the floor
There’s a pounding at my door
Not sure if I should open it or hope that it just goes away
I know that it’s my fear of failure
I can no longer keep that to myself
The question is what pounds at your door?
They say speaking the truth is good for your health
If I face my fears would you do it as well?
I don’t know if I’ll win, only my actions can tell

Monday, September 8, 2014

In love...

What a wonder, what a joy, there is no other life I would employ
You are the destination to my journey around the world
In 80 days..forget that, I want to love you in 80 ways
That’s just a random number and isn’t remotely enough
I stand tall, chest out, not a thug but this brotha is truly tough
I’ve endured a life that most couldn’t survive
What’s my secret…I thank God that I’m still alive
I don’t see it as loss of people I love
I see it as their birth to a higher power
Though I miss them every second, minute, and hour
Back to you, yeah the cutie that stole my heart
Now that our lives are one we’ll never part
Because of you there is a rhyme and reason
I have invested my lifetime and not my season
That thumping you feel in my chest when we embrace
Yeah that’s excitement and joy
A true love that knows its place
Never question what you are to me
Never doubt my future but ask about my history
Because my story with you is still being told
Our love will still be remembered when Earth is empty and life as we know it becomes old


Before you…

I would close my eyes and see nothingness
I would open my mouth to sing but would yell
I would lie in my bed to sleep but would toss and turn
I would be in a crowd and want to engage but would stand alone
I would want to bust out laughing but would cry
My life seemed motionless and so uncertain
My everyday seemed to run on and on and on
No matter what I tried to do to fill the void the emptiness only grew
I felt consumed and depleted

With you…

I close my eyes and envision the future we are building together
I sing constantly and smile with every song…you sing with me
I lie in bed to sleep but stay up talking and laughing with you
I walk past the crowds to be with you
I laugh so much that I cry from how much joy is within me
My life is so uncertain because there are just so many possibilities
My days are too short and my time away from you is too long
I am filled to capacity with love from you and for you that it overflows
I am consumed by your energy and as time grows I am expanding my soul to include you

Ask and you shall receive...

It’s always best to face the issue head on and not to allow it time to grow into a storm that can’t be faced. A good relationship is one that is based on truth, fact, compromise, straight-forwardness, and partnership.

Not every man you meet will be perfect because you are so perfect…Right??? If you think that you are in a place to tell someone else how they should be or where they should be and you haven’t gotten your life yet…then you shouldn’t throw stones from rented windows.

A good man may come to you in the state that he’s in, be it unemployed, and not financially sound, living with family/friends, etc. The proof of a man is not where he is in his life, it’s what he’s doing while there. Never underestimate him because he may not be where he wants to be, chances are that God has him right where he needs to be. You can tell if a man has potential based on how he maneuvers through his struggles.

It’s easy to weed out those “Sorry Ass Ninjas” because they make constant excuses for why they don’t have this and that. A real man will always say, “I’m not there yet, but I will be.” Be his support, be his cheerleader, be his shoulder, when he gets down be that swift kick in the ass to get him back up.

If you truly want a good partner in your life because you know that you are a good partner, then realize that not everyone can easily accomplish those goals to be at a standard you feel they should be. Not everyone is destined for the greatness you feel you have. Often times God sends you someone to keep you humble by showing you that you can be happy with just “regular” and not always trying to have it all.

Be careful of how high you try to climb…once you’re up there, the only direction next, if you’re not humbled and genuine, is down. I would rather fall into the arms of a good man than to fall alone with nothing but accomplishments that didn’t secure my landing.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Past...Is the past

We all have a past
We all have remaining baggage
We all have scars
When we enter into a relationship there are times when our past comes back to haunt us
We start feelings things that we thought were no longer in us
We start acting out in a way that suggests we are trying to still protect ourselves from hurt
It can happen so much that we end up pushing away someone that truly loves us
It’s not something to feel ashamed about
It’s not something to hide or run from
Being able to express that you aren’t truly ready but willing is the step in the right direction
If you have someone that loves you for you, they will work with you and walk beside you
No one is ever truly ready for the leap of love
It sounds good and by all accounts it feels good
Love makes you smile and gives you that life you’ve dreamt about
At times we look over the real life aspect of a relationship because we are wearing love goggles
Hard times are expected but working together through those hard times will build the strength you need to work through your past issues
Sometimes it takes a fall to pick yourself up and dust yourself off
Never forget that you are no longer alone
Your partner is there standing and ready to be your hand in your journey to rid yourself once and for all from your past pains and hurts
He is just waiting for you to recognize that

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All Of You

If at all possible could you give me your soul?
Not your time, not your mind, not merely your body to hold
I’m talking the very essence of you
The thing that makes your body shine
I want you to be one with me both spirit and mind
An eternity with you would never give me enough time
Giving you my existence is easy and for me it would be just fine
Not much to ask at all
My purpose, my conscience, my heartbeat
You are my reason, my love, my life, my happiness on repeat
For you have been created for me and me for you
We bond together like the ingredients of the world’s strongest glue
Angels from heaven and now here dwelling on earth
Somehow I knew I would find you, my destination since birth
My Nugget though your height overwhelms mine
My equal in spirit though our age speaks differently
What brings people together this strong is still a mystery
But it is ours to solve no one else need be involved
Our world is being created right now
I teach you, you teach me, we both will learn how
To love one another the way we deserve
If at all possible could you give me your soul?
Not your time, not your mind, not merely your body to hold
I’m talking the very essence of you
The thing that makes your body shine
We’ll repeat this poem until the very end of time