The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grow Up

The path to destruction is typically created by the very person that feels their life has fallen apart and refuses to take any accountability for their actions. It is very true that horrible things happen to good people, but it also stands that great things happen to those that don’t deserve it. There are people walking this earth just trying to survive with as little as they have but their passion for success is larger than life. There are people that get things so easily that they wouldn’t know how to make it if their silver spoon suddenly tarnished. To see someone in pain and in need, to see someone trying their best to survive, yet you still hold a grudge or you still view them as they may have been before now only makes you worse off than them. Eventually their season will come and you will be faced with that darkness, will you be mature enough to admit you were wrong when you should have been right? Will you take your pride, set it aside and open your heart to the lessons you can learn? The darkness is placed over our lives in order to see how much we truly have changed, grown, matured, and learned. With happiness comes a level of sadness and tragedy, the ability to see the separation but to understand that one can’t exist without the other is a true sign of growth. You are never too old to learn, you can be too stubborn to listen.