The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just Me...Simply

I am not perfect
I do not have all the answers
I cannot predict the future
I don’t know the best way to fix every situation
I don’t always have the best advice
I can’t explain why you are feeling the way you are feeling because I am not you
I can’t repair your life because it’s yours and not mine
I cannot fix your relationship because it’s yours and not mine
I can listen to your problems but I may not know what to say after you’re done
It feels so good to be able to admit these things and not feel like I’ve failed in some way
Trying to be everything for everyone else is a job that no one should take on
Just being who you are, flaws and all, is the best feeling in the world
I am moody
I am sarcastic
I am lazy
I get bored easily
I do have amazing qualities but to know me means to know that there are other parts of me
To love me is to accept those qualities
Be you…the real you, and those that stay around are the ones that truly love you

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I stood over the ocean and saw my reflection
It felt like a stranger looking back at me
I gestured to see if the reflection would mimic me
Yet it didn’t move
Then my heart started to pound
I was instantly terrified at this image I couldn’t stop staring at
It had its own personality
It moved when it decided to
It showed so much emotion
It didn’t hold back anything
Just then I realized that it was me, just the me I used to be
The me that stood out because of my mind
The me that did what I wanted to do
The me that had total control over my emotions
The me that had total control on my decisions
The me that gave all I had without the fear of giving too much
This was before the world attacked me
This was before I had to say good-bye to loved ones
Grief is a powerful adversary if you aren’t prepared to face it
At the same time it can be the fuel for strength you never knew you had

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Look At You First

Closed mind…missed opportunities
Overly confident…missed interpreted as conceded
Very attracted…seen as thirsty or desperate
Frustrated with lonely…seen as difficult to be with
How often do we judge people for what we believe to be their issue?
How often do we actually take the time to figure out what’s really going on with a person?
Sometimes we can be so caught up in thinking we know so much that we don’t even realize how wrong we are about ourselves
We can sometimes project our internal flaws to people around us
We sit in judgment of others when in fact we are judging ourselves
Self-reflection is something that we must be very conscience of
Knowing ourselves more is the key to being able to truly read others
Let’s not throw stones out rented windows
Get your own house in order before offering your opinion on someone else’s

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's Yours...

When you can do nothing else…just stand
If it’s at all worth it… and it is, you will find that happiness again
It’s truly normal to have your up and down moments
The key to those moments is to trust and believe that they are just moments
Your happiness is the goal in life and should always be what you strive for
If you love yourself enough, you’ll know when someone loves you back
Even when they make mistakes, it doesn’t erase what they are or who they are to you
Giving up isn’t an option for life or relationship
Just about anything thrown your way can be faced and conquered
Believe in you and he will believe in you
Stand up and walk tall, he will support your balance
Speak truth from your lips and he will give you power to walk the walk
You are only as great as your next victory
So be victorious, strong, proud, and genuine
When they strip everything else away, they cannot take away who you are
Your story is your story, so you tell it and not everyone else
Your love is your love, so you fight to keep it
Who we are is what we do, not who they say we are

Decision Time

I’m split in two and I’m not sure of what to do
Should I stay? Should I go? The answer is, at this point, hard to know
In one future I see greatness for us both
A life of love and strength and spiritual growth
In the other future I see such misery and pain
Us not connecting and our flaws breaking us down and driving one another insane
There is so much love there, this I know for sure
From the beginning we thrived on each other leaving me wanting more
There have been obstacles but that was necessary
We both had to shed off our past to have less in our future arms to carry
Yet here we are at a crossroads and the decision isn’t easy or clear
Making the wrong one could be great or destroy us and that’s my biggest fear
Love isn’t enough and this I now understand
It takes communication, patience, loyalty, and trust but on the other hand
We are amazing people individually
If we could just get our shit together think of the power behind our unity

Monday, October 20, 2014


Standing in the mirror eyeing myself from head to toe
Not being conceded, just noticing my scars
Some visible and some inside
A trail of life in a reflection of glass
How do you tell someone’s present from their past?
When you can’t merely ask them their story
Though they lived it, there are always holes in the timeline
I stand looking at myself and in wonder I tilt my head
There is a scar over my heart
How long has that been there?
I wonder if it will ever heal
For each scar I see, I can understand how each of them make me feel
I have the choice to wear them or live them
I have the choice to own them or give them the power
When others see me, can they see my scars?
Do they notice their own?
Are our scars the attraction we feel when we meet someone and the vibe is real?
Are we lying to one another when we smile?
Is it just living past the scars or living in total denial?
No matter the case, scars have a place
Acknowledge them or don’t
Become a victim of them I won’t
Though I will give them their moment in the light
After their 5 minutes of fame I bid them good night


It was deep, it was dark, it placed a hole in my heart
Yet my heart still beats strongly
I was mad, I was sad, you told the truth and I was glad
But nevertheless it still hurts me
I see you there, sometimes I hate you then I care
Such a crazy thing these feelings
You want it to work, yet your actions made you a jerk
So I quietly sit and observe your actions
It’s still new, it’s still you, you’re sorry and it’s true
So forgiveness is on the rise
One day I will forgive, in peace we will live
But know this won’t happen again
If it does you know the deal, not joking I’m for real
I’ll walk away for our sake, but please make no mistake
Karma is truth and acts on swing wings
If you hurt someone it comes back to you and it stings

Thursday, October 16, 2014

One Day

I see you and it gives me a sense of purpose
I hear you and things seem to fall into place
Distractions are all around me yet you keep me centered and focused
I think it, you say it
I believe it because you prayed it
Unusual for me to feel completely taken in by the presence of another
You are becoming a part of me, almost as close as my sister or brother
A bond with time creates something so heavenly and devine
I don’t claim to own you nor do you utter the words, “You are mine”
From the moment I accepted you in
I have yet to regret that decision
You always know when to step in to resolve a situation
You say the correct words to calm my frustration
I desire nothing because with you I have it all
Through your support I stand for everything and refuse to fall
Yet I’ve fallen for you…how strange it is indeed
I crave you for your love as you crave the highness from weed
I am the wind to your breeze
As you are the leaves to my tree
I get caught up in words and you show me how you feel
I never question your intentions because you are obviously real
A force to recognize and a personality to respect
All these things I want to say…I just haven’t met you yet

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I’m Dancing Again

There once was a tune that played in my ear
It would make my body sway
It would bring a jovial sensation to my ears
Life around me was like a song
The hard times would only make the tune beat stronger
The happy times would smooth out the melody and I would rock to the rhythm
Then one day the music stopped
The instruments that made my melody so beautiful started to disappear
The saxophone I called “Dad” was no longer blaring his tune
The violin I called “Tony” suddenly loss his soothing flow
The piano I called “Mom” no longer could effortlessly play her song
Lastly the horn I called “Edward” loss his sound
I stood in the middle of the dance floor
I looked around for a sign that the music could once again play
I tried to put other instruments in their place
Nothing I did made the music come back
One day as I looked to the heavens for help
I could hear humming coming from a group of flutes I call “Family”
I began to whistle along with the tune they were creating
I then realized that the music never left me
I just stopped listening
Now I walk with a stride that is only measured by the beautiful sounds of happiness
Never stop dancing to your own music and remember that though dark times are ahead, there is always a reason to sway

My Love & War

Somebody said every day, was gonna be sunny skies. Only Marvin Gaye and lingerie, I guess somebody lied:

In relationships it’s not always happiness and laughter. There are times when you are frustrated with things that may be going on. There may be things happening that are out of your control. You can see the one you love hurting and there’s nothing you can do but be there. At times that’s enough, but when things get heavier you feel helpless to find a solution.

We started discussing it to fighting, then “Don’t touch me please.” Then it’s “Let’s stop the madness, just come lay with me.” Truth be told, I’m waving my flag before it turns bad:

When you reach a point where the emotions are so high anything could happen, you take a breather. Step away from the situation and remember why you’re in the relationship. We are allowed to become upset, frustrated, and even angry, but don’t walk off the path of the partnership. Finding a way to be angry, disagreeing, and upset while still working together is key. Always remember that the person standing in front of you is the person you love and the relationship is still in good standing even after this storm is over.

Cause we made it this far for better or worse. I want to feel it even if it hurts. If I have to cry to get to the other side, let’s go because we’re gonna survive.

Never forget the road you traveled both separate and together. Hand in hand is how you face things. You shouldn’t only band together in good times, because it’s in those darkest times you see the true strength of your bond. Let walking away from the relationship be the very last solution to hard times. Work together to strengthen your love and you’ll see the rewards of your partnership shower you in time. Remember that this is real life and in real life there are no shortcuts or easy ways around.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

His Advice

In the world we live
At this very moment
The Father looks down in shame
People posting pictures of their temples
People becoming accustomed to derogatory names
We look at clips of violence and cheer it on like a celebration
We aren’t dying slowly as a race
We’re dying slowly as a nation
To strive to be better shouldn’t be something we fear
The fact that you are trying should be the encouragement you hear
Stand up for something more than just to support what others view as fun
Place the image of God all around you and remember that he’s the one
Such a sacrifice for so many over his own existence
Though we refuse to look out for one another
Won’t even go the distance
Shock the world by being more than what’s expected
Walk the path of positivity even though it may be rejected
When it’s all over and you stand before him to answer for your life
Make him smile by showing that you at least attempted to follow his advice

Monday, October 13, 2014

Word to the wise...

Don’t brag to be “All that” when you don’t know the value in “Humility” and “Humbleness.”

When you need to constantly announce to the world that you got it going on, chances are you don’t really believe it. People love to put themselves out there to get that attention, to get that compliment, and in the end it’s only a temporary fix. The real issue is inside of you. Until you deal with your inner demons, you really need to stop using social media as a way of feeding your addiction.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What I love about a man...

What I love about a man…
I love his confidence, the way he can walk with his head high and be unmoved by what people may or may not say about him
I love his determination, the way he never gives up even though the obstacles are plentiful
I love his smile, how it calms my heart and makes me forget my troubles
I love his scent, so natural, so him…a fragrance that turns me on instantly
I love his laugh, the way he can find what’s funny and how contagious it becomes, so much that I cannot help but laugh right along with him
I love his touch; it makes me feel as though my body is under his control
I love his manhood, the shape, the length, the throb, and how it slides ever so gently inside
I love his moan, the passion, the ecstasy, the intensity; it moistens and weakens my walls
I love his thrust, how controlled he is, how he’s concerned with my comfort, how he ensures that I am pleased completely
I love his kiss, with every stroke his beautiful and soft lips reach mine, how it increases the sensation
I love his climax, how his body tenses up, the tighter he grips me with his strong hands
I love his arms, as he holds me, kisses me, and cuddles with me after we’ve reached our happy ending
That and so much more I love…

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happiness Is Right Beside You

It has been a transition from experience to experience. At times there was a doubt that any of this made sense. When you are surrounded with negativity and constant drama you start believing that you have no other perspective but the negative. You start believing that your life will always be clouded with darkness and despair, of which you are helpless to avoid or prevent. So you live like that and find solace in the uncertain, the unhappiness, the constant struggle, and the constant fear of failure.

Then someone comes along and starts to give you a different outlook. They see the silver lining in the darkest of places. They start to lift your spirits because you look into their eyes and see so much hope and promise. That then redirects your perspective and makes you think differently. Through them you find that optimism you once had before your path became so jaded. Just at the moment you start to see clearer and feel better, they begin to doubt, they begin to fear failure. You then take what you’ve received from them and return it to them.

Now you both have a balance and you are nourished together through one another. That’s the recipe for a great relationship and the reason why relationships can last through the test of time. No one person should be responsible for two people in a relationship. You both must carry the load together. At times it won’t be equal but if you are doing your part and they are doing theirs, how can you fail?

Think about it like this (I’m speaking from personal experience), if you focus on the things that stress you the most, you overlook what is meant to bring you happiness and joy. If you aren’t giving your all to someone that loves you, then you aren’t focused on the right things. In the instant you decide to let the burdens go and handle what can be handled, you will start appreciating what you do have. So if you have someone in your corner, stop fussing over life and start living. Bills will always be there, problems will always arise, but love isn’t promised to you forever.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do The Work

It’s simple arithmetic, 1 + 1 = 2
So why do you still act as if you’re living solo?
Why do you still make decisions without discussing it with your partner, when those decisions affect the both of you?
You hear that when you become a couple you are no longer two people
People like to say that you become one soul
Some parts of that are true but honestly you still must think on an individual basis from time to time
Knowing the right approach, knowing what is a good or bad idea, and knowing what works and doesn’t work comes from communication
If you are new to the concept of a healthy and well-functioning relationship, make that known to your partner
We all have a past of being with people that weren’t right for us
We all have been in situations when we basically carried the relationship emotionally, financially, and spiritually
So going into a better situation requires you to share that past with them so that they understand what’s going on with your contribution to the relationship
No one enjoys trying to read your mind and when you leave the other person with only that option, 9 times out of 10, what they come up with won’t be your true intentions
It is really disheartening when you see relationships end left and right
Often times it is those simple things that could have been repaired and could have saved the relationship
Nowadays people are so impatient and don’t want to invest the time to make things work
Then you see them posting about how tired they are of being single, yet when you are with someone you don’t want to do the work
To my single guys that have what it takes to make another person happy, hold on your mate is coming
To those that jump from relationship to relationship, destroying someone else’s chance for happiness…