The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Nerve!

Wow! Some times I even amaze myself.

I was feeling a little down and reflecting on my losses of this year and the years before. I asked the lord why would he take so many loved ones from my life leaving me feeling to voided and empty.

Just as I began to complain I started looking around at the fruits of my life as they still exsist.

I quickly dried my tears and apologized for me having the nerve to question the works of someone so powerful without fault. It isn't an accident that he took people that I felt were truly a blessing and brought them home. If I felt that they were angels on earth sent to me as a blessing why would I question his need for them in heaven?

Some times we get so caught up in, "Why me? Why now? Why him? Why her?" That we don't realize that there is a transition in the cycle of life and we all must meet that end. It is truly a blessing to be picked from the hellasious world that we live in today.

To become a warrior for be able to guide the hearts of the ones you love is truly a blessing and one we should take in our hearts and hold tight.

Never again will I question the works of someone that showers me with blessings every day. To wake up, to have a home, to have a job, to have transportation, to have nurishment, to have the ability to love endlessly and strength to keep it moving in the face of adversity!

What nerve!

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