The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happiness Is Right Beside You

It has been a transition from experience to experience. At times there was a doubt that any of this made sense. When you are surrounded with negativity and constant drama you start believing that you have no other perspective but the negative. You start believing that your life will always be clouded with darkness and despair, of which you are helpless to avoid or prevent. So you live like that and find solace in the uncertain, the unhappiness, the constant struggle, and the constant fear of failure.

Then someone comes along and starts to give you a different outlook. They see the silver lining in the darkest of places. They start to lift your spirits because you look into their eyes and see so much hope and promise. That then redirects your perspective and makes you think differently. Through them you find that optimism you once had before your path became so jaded. Just at the moment you start to see clearer and feel better, they begin to doubt, they begin to fear failure. You then take what you’ve received from them and return it to them.

Now you both have a balance and you are nourished together through one another. That’s the recipe for a great relationship and the reason why relationships can last through the test of time. No one person should be responsible for two people in a relationship. You both must carry the load together. At times it won’t be equal but if you are doing your part and they are doing theirs, how can you fail?

Think about it like this (I’m speaking from personal experience), if you focus on the things that stress you the most, you overlook what is meant to bring you happiness and joy. If you aren’t giving your all to someone that loves you, then you aren’t focused on the right things. In the instant you decide to let the burdens go and handle what can be handled, you will start appreciating what you do have. So if you have someone in your corner, stop fussing over life and start living. Bills will always be there, problems will always arise, but love isn’t promised to you forever.

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