The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Love & War

Somebody said every day, was gonna be sunny skies. Only Marvin Gaye and lingerie, I guess somebody lied:

In relationships it’s not always happiness and laughter. There are times when you are frustrated with things that may be going on. There may be things happening that are out of your control. You can see the one you love hurting and there’s nothing you can do but be there. At times that’s enough, but when things get heavier you feel helpless to find a solution.

We started discussing it to fighting, then “Don’t touch me please.” Then it’s “Let’s stop the madness, just come lay with me.” Truth be told, I’m waving my flag before it turns bad:

When you reach a point where the emotions are so high anything could happen, you take a breather. Step away from the situation and remember why you’re in the relationship. We are allowed to become upset, frustrated, and even angry, but don’t walk off the path of the partnership. Finding a way to be angry, disagreeing, and upset while still working together is key. Always remember that the person standing in front of you is the person you love and the relationship is still in good standing even after this storm is over.

Cause we made it this far for better or worse. I want to feel it even if it hurts. If I have to cry to get to the other side, let’s go because we’re gonna survive.

Never forget the road you traveled both separate and together. Hand in hand is how you face things. You shouldn’t only band together in good times, because it’s in those darkest times you see the true strength of your bond. Let walking away from the relationship be the very last solution to hard times. Work together to strengthen your love and you’ll see the rewards of your partnership shower you in time. Remember that this is real life and in real life there are no shortcuts or easy ways around.

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