The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Image You See

Standing in front of a mirror you look at yourself from head to toe. You notice the shape of your head. You notice the size of your ears. You notice that odd difference of shape in your eyes. Then there gets to a point where you start distorting the view and start thinking instead of seeing. The thoughts of what other people might think. The wonder if someone will find this flaw attractive. You start worrying about the image that may or may not be appealing to someone else instead of appreciating what you have and what you see.

What people don’t realize is for the most part, people are truly visual when it comes to being attracted to you. Not all of us were born with flawless skin, a cut and trim figure, perfect teeth, just right hair, well maintained feet, soft and strong hands, and endowments that would make someone blush. Those that may not have those things may have the most important thing of all. This isn’t something that can be put on Instagram or a picture post for Facebook. This can only be seen when you give that person a chance to show you.

A genuine heart is sexy as hell! It’s the one thing that money cannot buy, repair or upgrade. A genuine heart is everlasting, it’s reliable, it’s nurturing, it’s powerful, and it’s security without measure. So while those that put all of their stock into their looks and not their personality, those of you that have a genuine heart keep being and doing you. Just because it may seem as though you’ll never find love, doesn’t mean that you won’t. Remember that the energy you put into the universe becomes the energy that people feel in your presence. So if you don’t believe you are worthy of love, then why be surprised when you can’t find it?

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