The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, October 16, 2014

One Day

I see you and it gives me a sense of purpose
I hear you and things seem to fall into place
Distractions are all around me yet you keep me centered and focused
I think it, you say it
I believe it because you prayed it
Unusual for me to feel completely taken in by the presence of another
You are becoming a part of me, almost as close as my sister or brother
A bond with time creates something so heavenly and devine
I don’t claim to own you nor do you utter the words, “You are mine”
From the moment I accepted you in
I have yet to regret that decision
You always know when to step in to resolve a situation
You say the correct words to calm my frustration
I desire nothing because with you I have it all
Through your support I stand for everything and refuse to fall
Yet I’ve fallen for you…how strange it is indeed
I crave you for your love as you crave the highness from weed
I am the wind to your breeze
As you are the leaves to my tree
I get caught up in words and you show me how you feel
I never question your intentions because you are obviously real
A force to recognize and a personality to respect
All these things I want to say…I just haven’t met you yet

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