The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seasons Change

We all have our favorite times of the year, there are those times when it’s sunny, beautiful flowers are blooming all around, birds chirping, butterflies are everywhere, there is life that doesn’t exist until this season.
Then there is the time of year when it rains, leaves change colors, the weather is warm, cool, and forever fluctuating but the color schemes make for a wonderful walk through the park.
There is the time of year when it’s so hot that you can never get cool, no matter what you do the heat just breaks through. It’s time to pull out the pool in the backyard, purchase ice pops for the kids, or take a trip to the beach.
When it comes to life, we also experience a change in season. In a beginning of a relationship where everything is new, feels new, is exciting to enter into the unknown, learning new things about that person or yourself.
The next season things are still pretty exciting, what in the beginning was new is now understood, expected, and at times predictable. Ways are forming; habits are becoming more and more intertwined.
The season after that there is this need to add things, take things away, compromise on things, being surprised with changes, expectations increase, disagreements are formed, attitudes are becoming more and more difficult to agree.
Seasons are different; people all have a love for one or more of the season changes, so in relationships and life that still applies, we as people like what we like and for whatever reason. We can do without this, that or the other.
There is so many different sayings, but this is one that I have understood for quite some time, “People come into your life for a season or a lifetime, the part that seems to disrupt that belief is that we take certain things from a seasonal relationship and try to say we can deal with it and try to build a lifetime, the fault lies with people that accept things that deep in their heart they know they cannot.
We accept patterns and beliefs that are expected from others when deep inside they do not sit well with us. The person being them becomes more and more predictable with their habits, likes, dislikes, and beliefs. While that is happening the one that constantly makes compromises will become less and less connected to their partner.
You will lose your shine if you live away from what makes you who you are. Your partner lives their way and only understands what makes them happy while you compromise, lie to them and yourself. So when you hear people say we just grew apart pay attention to whom actually makes that evaluation. Is it the person that stayed true to who they are? Or was it the one that constantly gave up what they wanted to act like they were happy with the changes that came?

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