The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Journey Back Home

Some how we believe that traveling back to where it all started would be considered a failure, a bad idea, the worse mistake possible
But once you have planted your roots back and actually take the time to look around, you realize that life has waited for you to come back
Your journey isn't complete and the decision to come back home was just another decision and another path to your final destination
When you constantly strive for perfection in your life and when things around you seem to fall apart you feel that you aren't living to your fullest capabilities
The truth is that materialistic items come and go but that soul search and mental build up can never be measured
When you realize that all of the fears you had when you were younger are no longer there
When people talk to you and are surprised with how much you've grown
When you come around friends and those childish issues that use to bother you no longer affect you at all
When you are settled and a relaxing day just loving family is more than having a list of things to do
When you can sit and just talk about your day and not the problems, the bills, the job, and the worry that the money won't cover all of the expenses
Most people don't realize that just because home was hard when you were younger doesn't mean it will be if you return
The change has to come from you
The change must be real and true in order for you to understand the transition
Most people run and keep running until their road has run out and they realize that they are running alone
Look back and notice the change in you first, then you will accept the change in everyone else
The journey back home isn't always covered with painful memories and bad experiences
The experiences that stick with you make you who you are today wheter that be good or bad
The choice to live right is yours and the power to make a positive change and remain positive is also up to you
Use the past as a map to the journey destination
Never be afraid of the journey back home

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