The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dare To Be Different

Listening to Whoopi last night on the recording of "The Color Purple" interview on Oprah last night, I heard Whoopi mention how her mother always wanted her to be original
That message triggered my own memory with my Mother
I was always different from everyone even though I had similar qualities of my syblings
My laugh is unique, the way I view the world is unlike most, and I have a personality that is unchanging based on my surroundings
I always find a way to see the silver lining even through the darkest of storms
Life to me is as important as you make it and as brilliant as you believe you are
I am a believer in forming your own destiny and at the same time I understand that there is a devine path that has been created for us
Though must of us stay on the path created for us, there are those that know when to turn off, start another path, but learn from your experiences from your previous destination
Understanding what it means to be remembered in life is the ultimate blessing because so many people could care less what people view them as or how they are judged by others
I don't care what people think of me if they are trying to form their own image without knowing me, but if my life has been viewed and you have an understanding about who I am based on what I've shown or what I've said then your opinion to me is very important
That opinion is just another marker on the map to reaching the full potential of self
Once you have packed up all of those negative and positive experiences it changes you, but the change depends on where the weight is heaviest
If you allow the negative to bring you down faster than you let the positive build you up, then chances are you'll miss out on the benefits of your life and all that you've learned
Don't follow the leader, there are way too many people that pattern them selves after other people and doing that keeps you from living to your fullest potential
Be brave enough to stand out
Be smart enough to stand up
Be wise enough to know the difference
Be strong enough to be different

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