The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, January 22, 2010

When Is Enough, Enough

Coming from a large family you think that you are surrounded by people that view life as you do
It can be a misconception to believe such things
You try throughout your life to accomplish great things that will open doors to bless them, you sacrifice for them, you think of their benefit more than yours
The times when you are faced with making decisions for you and you alone you feel guilty that they are going to be blessed with the opportunity

As time goes on you start realizing that no one is doing that for you
You start seeing the truth in people's intentions
You see that everyone lives their lives without a care of what's going on with yours

That's when enough is enough
You can't be upset that people don't see what you see because the vision that you have is your own
The day you stop expecting the greatness out of regular people is the day you start focusing on what you need to do for yourself

It comes a time in your life when you are selfish and only concerned for your well-being
It comes a time when you stop sacrificing for everyone else and start sacrificing for yourself

Life is way too short to keep on the path of trying to be this bridge that keeps people together
Because if you do you actually start killing the love and joy that you have within
Family is a blessing for so many reasons but if you aren't careful it can become a hindrance to you and your future

Walking away from what is expected of you is healthy because you are no longer expected to do what is predictable
Stand in the mirror and fall in love with who you are becoming now and shed off that person that you thought you were suppose to be
When people start noticing the new you the respect and appreciation for all that you have done will be more visible

So do things for people when you can not when you feel you have to
Don't sacrifice what you do not have because you can't expect everyone else to do the same for you when the time comes

In the end of all of this you realize that you started the cycle and now it's up to you to break it
Love doesn't change when you decide to stop being the common denominator in the cycle
Stand outside of the circle but don't stand outside of the family

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