The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, January 15, 2010

This New Year

I started planning this long list of things to say I will do this new year, but I decided to stop in mid listing. It occurred to me that people do this resolution crap all the time and rarely stick with it. I am not above being one of those people.

Since I can remember, I have planned so much ahead for myself and then find myself becoming overwhelmed with the expectations that are way too high to reach.

Virgos are known to be their worse critic and I am that plus 10. I want so much out of my life that I find myself becoming bored with things that I should be content with.

I've caught myself telling people that I was just bored with things or with them. It never really made any sense to me because I felt I wasn't the type of person to get caught up into myself like that.

Once you remove the mask you see yourself for who you really are. At times it can hurt and be too much to take in, but believe me when I say that it is worth it. Once I saw me for me I started to appreciate things better, and I realized how short life is.

So no more New Year resolutions for me. I can still plan out what I want to accomplish but I will make a plan that won't have me feeling unfulfilled. It's best to plan a small goal here and there, then once you have the rhythm down you can then reach a little higher, and a little higher.


  1. Cosign! Resolutions must be for people with nothing else going on. I've got plenty, and none are waiting on a January 1 start date.

    Congrats on the blog.

  2. Thank you lodak! I agree with your statement and I appreciate the shot out!
