The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Decision For Love

After an experience of the death of a partner, one starts to doubt their desire to want to go down that path of love again. I forgot about the happiness I felt getting to know someone new, sharing new experiences, and wanting to give them my heart totally.

I fought the idea for as long as my heart would allow me. One day this man crept into my life and into my heart without me realizing he was even there. We started talking about future plans, our likes and dislikes, and before we knew it we were uttering the words, "I love you".

Me surviving a tragic death of a lover and an 8 year relationship and him surviving the divorce of a marriage that he fought so hard to maintain. He walked away from children and years of struggle.

At the moment we fell in love, those decisions didn't seem to be present or even relevant to us until the dust settled and the truth started to show. We were secretly trying to move on with our lives even though our past wasn't a closed chapter. I feared that the pain would consume us but we rose against the odds and remain strong in love.

It is a relationship of strength, understanding, companionship, teamwork, unconditional love, and unconditional faith in one another.

With a man like this, I don't regret my decision for love, I welcome the possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. I dont regret the decision to fall in love with you either. You are my heart and I will always love you.
