The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Saturday, January 16, 2010

True Intentions

I find myself pondering the idea of people being has genuine as they claim to be
Some times people enter your life and tell you all of the good things about their personality
Is it our fault that we fall for it without question?
Is it just human nature to take people at their word?
What do you do when you suspect the intentions of others?
Is it best to let sleeping dogs rest?
Should you shake things up or should you let things just play themselves out?
When introduced to this issue, what is the right approach?

I pride myself in being able to read people
I have had much success in knowing what someone is truly all about
I have ended many friendships and relationships from unsettling vibes of others

Having friends is a very important part of life, but it is so hard to trust
People want you all for themselves and aren't willing to share
People tend to envy you and then want what you have
Those type of people are dangerous because some times the envy turns into hate, then they want you out of the way completely

In relationships people work on the part of your heart that longs for love
Those kind of people feed off of those feelings and lead you to walk a path different from the one that you have set for yourself

I never knew what it meant when I saw people change right before my eyes as soon as they got into a relationship until I experienced it first hand
You never know what you're doing at the time because you are in the thick of it

The truth stands there right before you, but those blinders are so hard to remove
You fight yourself more and more as everything and everyone around you starts to change
At first you blame them, after that you blame yourself, but you never blame the one responsible

Knowing yourself and not fooling yourself in fairy tales is one sure fire way to know when someone is playing you for a fool
Not being naive will protect you from those parasites that feed off of good people

I don't believe in not trusting people, but I do believe that you should always keep both eyes open
Look for signs, listen for inadequate stories, watch other people when they are around this person to see how they respond to their presence

Being on your toes isn't a sign of fear and distrust, it's a sign of someone that has learned from the past and has grown as a person

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