The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, January 15, 2010

If Not For Trust

What would love be without the main key to a successful relationship?
How could you totally open your heart and mind to someone without this factor?
Would there be a future for any of us if we didn't know the meaning of the word?
When we decide to tell someone something very important to us, would we do it freely without this feeling?
Would there be a label like, best-friend, lover, my boo, my comfordant, my cherished one?
How would this world function without it?
How could we raise our children without it?

Yet so many of us go through life never giving it to anyone and then never being fit for it to represent you as a person.

The chaos that would ensue if this feeling did not exsist and we did not know the meaning of it.

War would be unavoidable across the world if not for this one feeling that so many of us take for granted.

Could we even love ourselves without this?
Could we tell anyone who we really are if we really didn't know?

The next time you have a conversation and you know what you are about to tell this individual is a matter that should remain between the two of you, ask yourself, "Is this person trustworthy?"

Then when someone comes to you to share something that is very serious to their heart, ask yourself, "Can they trust me with this information?"

The world is dark, and there is so much to cry for. We experience pain everyday and we find ourselves falling deeper and deeper into darkness. Think for a moment...if not for trust would this world still function?

We all have trust that something greater is in store for us all or we would totally fall a part and loose all hope for a better tomorrow.

If you agree with this, then take it and really apply it to your everyday. Make yourself so trustworthy that it improves not only your life, but the lives of those around you. For if not for trust where in the hell would we be?

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