The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, April 16, 2010

Believe It Or Not

When people tell us that we are hard to deal with, maybe it's some truth to that
We tend to think that we were cut from the cloth of holiness and our words are golden and that we just can do no wrong
When you find yourself telling people that every experience you've had with friends ended on a bad note, maybe you need to re-evaluate yourself. One person is understandable, two people is possible, but with every person you've come in contact with can't stand you after getting to know you then Boo Boo the light is shining on you and not them

I can't tell you how many people I've heard state to me that they are great friends but they just keep meeting people that use them or stab them in the back. There aren't too many people in existence that is that loyal, angelic, and honest. A saying my mother use to tell me is,

"I've been stabbed in the back so many times by people, I can't even wear an open back dress!"

There are people that live for drama and just want to be told that they are good and righteous. The sad part is that they are blind to the truth that they are not good people and that they cannot be trusted.

The thing I pride myself in is knowing my flaws and praying to God for the patience and understanding as to fix them and work on them. Changing is never overnight, it is a life long process. So don't fool yourself in believing that it's easy to be one way today and another way tomorrow. The only people that change with the wind are people on medication!

Friendships are special and family-like, so if you truly want to have people that close to you in your life, then stop lying to yourself and be more forthcoming, then and only then will people come to you and accept you for your flaws and all!

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