The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Letter To A Warrior

Dear Friend,

It pains me to see you going through what you are going through right now. As much as I wish I could erase what you are experiencing, I know that you must go through it in order to become stronger. I see you getting things in order, I see you thinking about you and your future, I see you smiling effortlessly, and I see you feeling the strength growing within you.

I am your support and your shoulder, but you already know that. It is important for me to tell you how proud I am of you and where you are headed and what you have survived. You are a true inspiration to people our age struggling through and not understanding our purpose in life. I see a lesson being formed with every action and every decision by you. Though the pain you feel is real, you do not allow it to own you and that must be commended.

The life you are walking away from has blessed you with gifts that no one and no situation can take away. You are still standing, you are still moving, you are still growing, and most importantly you are still you. Never lose the glow that makes everyone around you shine in reflection. Never doubt the possibilities because to be honest, a lot of us shouldn’t be here today but for some reason we are and that is all that matters.

Lastly my friend, don’t look back and label this person as your ex, label them your experience. They have taught you a lot and not only about them, but about you. Be still with your heart and allow the beating to create a song, a rhythm just for you. Follow that beating and make your new life musical and joyous. You know I love you, but you know the importance for people to always say how they feel.

-Love Gregory J. Upson-Watkins

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