The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Monday, April 4, 2011

Reinventing The Relationship (Marriage)

Though being married to someone can be an amazing feeling it also requires that some work is done to keep it going and to keep it real in the hearts of the two involved
You realize that this person was meant to be in your life, you see that your similarities make you such a unique pair
The thought of finding someone loving, caring, respectful, lovable, trustworthy, reliable, compassionate, and just overall genuine in a world filled with so many dark souls on the prowl for their next victim makes you a bit apprehensive and weary of the idea of opening up to someone and giving them your all
The moment you conquer your fears you dive right into the relationship head first with both of your eyes open
You may not see certain things in the very beginning but in time the truth starts to pierce the imagination
In most relationships people never truly choose to see the other person for what they are, it can be difficult to let go of a dream that never was and most likely will never be
Walking through your relationship with blinders, trying to piece together a story that fits your dream mate, the person you are meant to be with couldn’t be just a regular person with regular ideals and habits, that is the biggest misconception
Then there are those moments when you view other couples and you see how well they work together and you start to try to incorporate those habits into your own relationship which causes you to drop the ball on the idea of loving someone for them and not trying to make them into someone they are not
Take a step back and realize that this relationship is yours; you both have stock in the growth of this relationship
Once you make that next step into marriage it is the same thing but most people feel that wearing a ring on their finger to symbolize their love makes the relationship harder to be a part of so they start stressing and pushing way too hard to make the marriage look as great as the beginning
None of that is necessary, what is necessary is that you always think of ways to keep your interests
Don’t focus on what others may think and don’t try to evaluate your relationship through the actions of other relationships, your marriage is a prized life accomplishment
It means you have survived those many obstacles that people face in the pursuit of being loved and loving someone
So when it comes to you and that special someone, reinvent things, work at trying to keep it new and different, when you two have learned how to do that collectively the marriage doesn’t seem like a promotion with more responsibility and stress, it merely is love amplified

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