The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Sunday, February 6, 2011

When A Dream Comes True

You see the image as you close your eyes to sleep
When you wake you feel like there is a clearer path ahead
Yet you still feel so far away from it
You reach your hands out to grab and each time feeling that it's getting closer and closer until it is within reach
Right when you are about to grab it the distance starts to change, making it further
You feel frustrated and hopeless
You start doubting that it is the dream for you
You start looking at easier ways to do things instead of remaining focused on the dream you've had all your life
Before you know it so much time as pasted and that dream actually becomes just that...a dream
You try to move on and there are little images that past through your mind
You start feeling like you've forgotten something but you can't put your finger on it
Then someone asks you about your dream, wondering if you totally stopped want to accomplish it
At that moment your passion appears again, this time stronger than ever
The thought that someone saw you accomplishing that dreams gives you that inner strength that you needed to get you back on track
Before you know it you are back on the grind and feeling like you can't let you or anyone else down
It gives you more responsibility and purpose
When that dream is reached you will hold tightly to it and never take it for granted ever again
Living your dream gives you a stronger insight on life
When you see that next person who was going through what you went through you know that it's your responsibility to help them
Because it is always a blessing to be a blessing

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