The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Sunday, January 2, 2011

He Walks The Walk

Young at heart but mature in spirit
That is the true makeup of a man
Someone that understands the needs of others as well as their own
Someone that reaches into the depths of their being to find what makes them special and shares with those around him
A man that can love truthfully and honestly without regret or condemnation
Someone that keeps his eyes open and his heart hungry
Someone that makes no mistake on where he is in his life and understands when he makes a mistake it's better for him to own it and not pass it on to the next person
Strength isn't only seen in how he carries his self, it's how he carries those around him
A man is someone that stands for what he believes in and knows that his responsibility lies in how he lives
A man is someone that understands that his reputation is created by the steps he takes in life not what he tells people about him
A man is someone that lives through actions and a minimal amount of words
So if you know someone like this, if you are someone like this, then keep being you and don't apologize for it

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