The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If All Else Fails

The most common rule in life is do on to others as you would have them do on to you
Though some times that rule doesn't apply to certain walks of life
These moments of uncertain retaliation can drive you out of your mind
Dealing with people much older than you but having them act like children much younger than you can be so entertaining at times
You find yourself acting more mature in your decision making
You find yourself thinking about the benefits of just walking away from the situation
You wonder what in the hell is going on
Then you look at the track record and realize that what you are facing should not be such a surprise
All of your life you have been giving these people the benefit of the doubt
You found yourself just dealing with their many different personalities and uncontrollable mood swings
It all dawns on you why you have decided to take Psychology as a major
It isn't only because you are in wonder of the human mind and the human condition
It seems to boil down to the people you face every single day
It feels like the ones that show the most potential for a check and a ride on the short yellow bus are people you've known forever
You watch television shows and you see these crazy people and you see them diagnosed for their mental diseases
You then begin to wonder if the people you are in contact with should be labeled as mentally disturbed as well
No matter what approach you take you get the same outcome
No matter how you address them that craziness still appears
No matter how you conduct your speech pattern they still read negativity
So instead you just totally shut it off completely
You stay away from them
You count down the days until you are no longer sharing a space with them
You still pray that they have a safe life
You pray that one day they learn that they are flawed too severe for a sit down conversation
It then starts to pour into you that you are blood related
It starts to make you wonder if you will display that same mental breakdown when you reach their age
Thinking those thoughts start to make you sit back and dwell on that possibility
Then you snap out of it, turn on the television, and watch some more shows of crazy people being diagnosed for mental diseases
If all else fails, acting is a great fall back plan from reality

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