The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Sunday, May 9, 2010

As Time Goes On

Though it's been a while you still relive the experience over and over
You find that your days seem to fly by just to reach a certain time where it all hits your heart
Getting through everyday feels like a task that you have mastered and the times you want to just let it all go makes you feel like you're giving up
You start feeling obligated to hold on to the pain because it seems like that's the only way you can feel their presence
It's an obstacle that doesn't get more difficult, it just starts to become more obvious as to what is coming next
When people are taken from your life it takes a piece of your heart away
You feel less and less like your self at times
You feel stronger today and then weaker tomorrow
You feel like sleeping forever and then you feel like running through the day with your hands waved and the sun beaming on your skin
You feel like withdrawing from everyone and then you feel like embracing and cherishing those that are still around you
It feels like a game that has no means of winning or losing, it's just a matter of learning from each experience
You start to realize that this cycle of life is never changing, but the people involved all walk away from it with something different
You take the good and bad to make it a part of your life because it doesn't matter if you like it or not, it is a part of your life
So in the long run you wear these feelings, these experiences on your body like a patch of clothing
It becomes your personality and you find out that they are there to help you help others and to better understand life its self
You become a person that understands the many questions of life and become a source of strength and knowledge
You find out all of these things if you stay on the path and keep an understanding
It doesn't happen overnight, it comes to you as time goes on

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