The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Moment To Vent

In all my years of living I have attempted to always try to take the high road when I am pressed up against the ropes in any given situation. It just amazes me at how the most ignorant, idiotic, simple minded, unhappy, waste of space, no clue having, need a serious makeover looking, spineless, immoral, back stabbing, bottom feeding, back sliding, cowardly individuals are placed in positions of power and lack the most important aspect of being a manager or leader…the ability to lead. I have witnessed some very pathetic acts of cowardly behaviors that have just left me numb and disappointed. I often drift off in deep thought thinking about the purpose we are created and the purpose of us being placed in this world and having to face this type of bull crap on a regular basis. I am pretty sure that everyone has a destiny and everyone has a purpose. Just because they may not recognize it, that doesn’t mean they don’t have one. I have tried my damndest to be professional, I think before I speak, I ask advice before sharing my feelings, and I always want to place my feet in the shoes of the person I am about to approach so that I can get a better understanding of why they did what they did, said what they said, or didn’t say or do what they claimed they would. The place I am now is a place I’ve never imagined being in. I am at the point of being so fed up I am actually wondering, “What in the hell am I doing here?” I am trying my best to look through all that I see and all that I am dealing with. The more time I spend trying to do the right thing the angrier I get when my works are being taken for granted and disrespected. I am so fed up I feel like I could just implode. I know better and I was raised better than to let ignorant and insignificant individuals get the best of me and rip me from my purpose. I just need to remind myself at times that just because you have been given a title or a responsibility, it doesn’t mean you have earned it or if you are even worthy of it, hell, if you are even good at it. I see that there is fear of someone better than you stepping in and out shining you, so you will try every trick you can muster to make that person slip up. Venting is truly a blessing to get those moments of anger out of your system so that you can jump right back on that bike and peddle your ass off to reach your goal! Now that I have vented I will put on my protective gear, jump on my bike, and peddle this 10 speed until the damn wheels bust!!!! So if you are not with me then you are against me, if you are against me then I advise you to get the hell out of my way!!!!

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