The World Beyond My Eyes

The World Beyond My Eyes
Destiny is what you make it

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Journey

To say I love my family would be an under statement. There is such diversity in our lives, we are similar and different in many ways. Through the many years of our lives we have grown into our own, some of us much later than others. Though with change comes a different perspective. When you love someone and they are different from you, love them because of the difference.

We should all know that GOD places people in your life for a reason and for a purpose. You may be upset with that certain person, but realize that what you have become is due to your experience with difficult people. So don't allow those other people to change your purpose, just change the amount of energy you give them. In the end you walk away the blessed one and they remain lost in their own path.

So the lesson that I've learned from my 35 years on earth is to stop being upset when people are going to be who they are. You have a beautiful heart and you want people to shine with the light you see within them. Just because you see it doesn't mean that they do. When I am disappointed in the actions of others, I simply say, "Bless Them" and I keep it moving.

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